More newbie questions

i dont get my controller untill mon can i start to dowload macros now or do ineed to wait for delivery, also what does it mean in the macro library by black ops full set normal/tactical whats the difference ?


You can start downloading now. You can get the software and even start creating your own macros before you get the controller.

Black ops normal/tactical sets are for each different controller layout. Some people play with the tactical layout while others use normal layout. You can see which one you use in your black ops controller options in the game. If you don't know which one you use then you probably use normal. So download all the normal macros because tactical ones will not work for you because different buttons do different things in each layout.

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
i havent even ordered a controller yet and i have downloaded the software so i could get used to the software... you should do it to and just use these two days to get acquainted with the software and making macros.
I got my viking yesterday and just uploaded the first set of macros. I used NYjets1NY set-up in the normal mode. It takes getting use to the extra tactile switches, but well worth the money. I especially like that he set the macro up with an on/off switch for rapid fire. I used the M14 for part of the game and the Famas for the rest. I'm gonna game my *** off later on tonight. Hope you enjoy yours when you get it chris.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I use the rapidfire turned on for some full autos - it actually slows down the firing rate - which I like because it conserves ammo. If you are the kind of guy to go for headshots, this helps a lot - you can take our 2-3 enemies with one clip with the rate slowed down.


Active Member
I use the rapidfire turned on for some full autos - it actually slows down the firing rate - which I like because it conserves ammo. If you are the kind of guy to go for headshots, this helps a lot - you can take our 2-3 enemies with one clip with the rate slowed down.

You know I use to think this same thing too, back when I was slanging the ol' "Hazer" rapid-fire controllers. But soon my outlook changed on it. Sometimes doing it like you said, I felt like the bullets shooting out of the gun were 'blanks'... I don't literally mean that they were blanks but it just seemed like the bullets were registering as bullets in the game and in return would not actually kill the enemy.... I bet if you were to record your K/D over a span of 4-games that your theory would not hold up...