MW2 Presets


New Member
Ok so i am wanting to compile a list of everyone's presets if you have made some please leave them here i am sure it would really help out all viking owners thank you so much :mrgreen:


Useful Poster
I made one where right tact is mw2 fast, jitter yy, jitter xyy and left tact is fal fast reload, m16 fast reload, akimbo, sniper
(tacts may be reversed) ill post it when i get home


New Member
Heres Mine

Left Tac
1. Custom Rapidfire (13.60sps = no studdering at all)
2. 3-Shot Burst Custom (14.00sps)
3. 5-Shot Burst Custom (14.00sps)
4. Jitter x,y,y (Fast)
5. Jitter y,y (Slow)
6. Sniper Mode
7. COD WaW Rapidfire

Right Tac
1. Dropshot
2. Akimbo
3. Sniper Mode
4. Rapid Reload AA-12
5. Rapid Reload FAL/UMP45
6. Rapid Reload Scar-H
7. Rapid Reload Famas
8. Rapid Reload ACR/L86LSW/M4A1
9. Rapid Reload M16
10. Rapid Reload MP5K

Enjoy I found this is my favorite setup


New Member
Thank you zackwg23 :mrgreen: anyone else who has made thier own presets please leave then here>It is nice to have presets to download other then (THE WORKS) Thank you so much for all the help :D :D


New Member
Just a question; is it posible to make a driver(?) that allows you to use the right trigger normally, while the right tac switch uses rapid fire and the left tac switch rapid fires for akimbo (or jitter)?

I hope that was clear. Also, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

(This is for the Dou/Odin's Raven)


New Member
There is a drivr for THE WORKS that has rapidfire on the right tact. but there are not any with the left tact. as akimbo.