MW3 age restrictions for elite


New Member
I know this isnt support but i really need help Im 17 and i paid 50 dollars to get cod elite for a year for mw3 i know the cod elite servers are having problem working but thats not the problem im having problems with it im on my xbox and i go to cod elite it says on cod elite its restricted cause im not 18 and i was wondering if there was any ways to change my age ive looked all around and they say no and i was wondering if there was a way to do anything to allow me to still used it because i put the code in my account already and i cant even access it im 17 which is old enough to buy call of duty and 18 to used elite is dumb


New Member
change your DOB to 1992 on your xbox live profile and your email. then when you register elite do the same.


Call Activision and freak. 17 is old enough to buy their game. 17 is old enough for them to take your money for Elite. What bull**** is this? It should have told you before you paid.


ModdingBros Leader
Thats really stupid. One time they didnt let my sister buy a game for me because everyone is under the impression you have to be 18 when really it is 17.