MW3 elite / rapid fire.


New Member
So i was watching 402 live stream of MW3, and they said that they have more stuff/option on getting rid of cheaters. One way is by elite. they can check your videos etc...

I wonder if they will give you the ban, if they see a video of you using Jitter mode, or Akimbo Rapid fire. Seeing that you cant do that with the rapid fire controllers buy from best buy etc. Pretty sure that wont ban you for using rapid, because you can buy them at the store. Maybe if they see you using the other two seeing that' a type of a mod?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Other mod shops' answer: "Our mods are 100% undetectable!!!!"

Viking answer: no such thing as a 100% undetectable mod.

What I personally think: they leave easter eggs and glitches in these games on purpose. It helps boost sales. If they go banning a couple hundred thousand players off the system, it would be a bold move. Since everyone knows there are cheaters, but everyone keeps on buying COD series of games anyway, I don't see why they would actually be interested in stopping the cheaters, since the only thing it would do is cost them sales. To boot, if you are a macro controller customer, you can program in "humanized rapidfire" or at least go down to burst firing or do any other number of things to make yourself even less detectable.


New Member
I wouldn't be concerned. I would think that Infinity Ward's focus is going to be people running modded lobbies, I don't think that rapid fire controllers are going to be very high on their list. If they do decide to crack down on modded controllers I'm sure that we'll hear rumblings of it beforehand.

Personally, as soon as the great members of this community come out with some working macros, I'll be using them with no worries until there's a reason to worry.


Active Member
Yeah, if needed I can make "humanized" versions of macros - rapid-fire, etc.

As far as the turbo knife - that IS essentially humanized.
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x iiTryHard o

ModdingBros Member
I dont think they did anything to the game to stop rapidfires actually RedS0x and Qsr execution were playing the game last night (jtag) and said that there mw2 rapid fire works well.

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
Other mod shops' answer: "Our mods are 100% undetectable!!!!"

Viking answer: no such thing as a 100% undetectable mod.

What I personally think: they leave easter eggs and glitches in these games on purpose. It helps boost sales. If they go banning a couple hundred thousand players off the system, it would be a bold move. Since everyone knows there are cheaters, but everyone keeps on buying COD series of games anyway, I don't see why they would actually be interested in stopping the cheaters, since the only thing it would do is cost them sales. To boot, if you are a macro controller customer, you can program in "humanized rapidfire" or at least go down to burst firing or do any other number of things to make yourself even less detectable.
I read an article that says rapid fire controllers actually boost sales in the Call of Duty series.


ModdingBros Co-Leader
1st Ya the Jets mw2 rapid fire works pretty nicely but i made an edited version and its pretty beast, and 2nd jitter is impossibe i've went through everything faster slower its impossible u cant even reload yy any more i'll post proof tomorrow.


Active Member
1st Ya the Jets mw2 rapid fire works pretty nicely but i made an edited version and its pretty beast, and 2nd jitter is impossibe i've went through everything faster slower its impossible u cant even reload yy any more i'll post proof tomorrow.

Well if you can't reload YY then I guess jitter is gone! At least for now. Possibly. And if you can't reload YY, we may not be able to do turbo knives! But, I'm hoping to work around that - I can figure other ways (like d-pad - X, etc).

Can you upload your MW3 rapid-fire? And post jitter / yy proof? Thanks dude!


Active Member
upload to the forums or to the library.

Either or! And I may be able to do turbo knife with Y X Y... D-pad... who knows! I may be able to figure it out. Instead of YY... I may use YYYXY... Who knows. There's a lot I can work with.


ModdingBros Co-Leader
Ya whatever works i mean it looks pretty impossible but Ur good at doing this so it shouldn't be hard.