MW3 Snaking


Is it posible to do the Snake glitch in MW3? has anyone tried? it looks funny lol but it would be awesome if it worked. I will try using the Blackops Macro to see will report back.


ModdingBros Leader
Sounds good if it is possible just needs a little tweaking try messing with it a little Im sure you can find that balance. If you cant get it I will assist you, during the weekends I am hoping to be all caught up with these macros I have been putting on hold.


Ok i tried it out and It kinda sorta does it for about a second and then it starts to go up and down and it loops like that but it doesn't go all the way down to the floor it stays at like crouching going to lay down if that makes any sense lol. I tried speeding it up and moving stuff around but i can't figure it out. Thanks for the reply MJ. Im 100% sure u will make this macro perfect. I saw a WAW video and it really looks like ur a snake slithering around lol...

Heres the One i used....
View attachment SnakingB.vkm


ModdingBros Leader
Haha alright will have this one as long as the other macro uploaded by this weekend. Thanks for trying it out your making my job easier.


NP dude. Just hope ur successful with it. If u are this will be another feature the competition wont have ;P.. might be a mw3 first..


ModdingBros Leader
I tried it but it stops you when you crouch like a split second that doesnt allow you to drop down fully to snake.