My Controller Is broke (Odin and Ben look at this i PM'ed you as well)

a Spec Of fluff

New Member
Hi my Macro Controller just broke (RT3 Tac Switch) it works but you have to practically break your finger to switch it on (Its a toggle Switch for RF) you have to push it so hard. Is their an easy fix?

Live in the UK how much would it cost to be fixed?
Or does Ben have any to buy (Macro's)

a Spec Of fluff

New Member

Come on people I have been more than patient. Can you please reply to this post or your PM's


P.S I know your busy with a new controller and with the PS3 controller.


Useful Poster
Honestly, you have probably gotten something in it like soda, or grease, or something. Try cleaning it with a little bit of IPA and hopefully it will clean it and make it less sticky. If that doesn't work, go ahead and open a support ticket. The support forums isn't a great place to get help on problems that you need odins help for. Best way to contact him would be a support ticket.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The easy fix is to send it in to get fixed, you'll have to cover shipping :-(

Unless you bought it from Ben or third party in which case contact them to fix 'er up. Needs reglued. Careful with solvents or cleaner please, you could ruin the rest of the controller and cause the other tac switch glue to loosen.


a Spec Of fluff

New Member
Can you please contact Ben please, he isn't replying, I 'm actually wanting to buy a new on in the next couple of weeks.
Just wondered if he had any so i don't have to pay the shipping for America


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Can you please contact Ben please, he isn't replying, I 'm actually wanting to buy a new on in the next couple of weeks.
Just wondered if he had any so i don't have to pay the shipping for America

He mailed back a box of parts to us, he was preparing for studies, he is deep in his studies at the moment :-( You might be stuck dealing with US shop this time