My custom Ragnarok

modded matt

Active Member
Here are images from my custom install of the 360 ragnarok DIY, This is a pretty straight forward install. There are three vias that need to be scraped and soldered to. Everything else is at test points making for a slightly easier install then the ravin, even considering it has more wires. Please note my install shows the Illuminated sticks. I tried not to show too much of them because they are not a standard part of the install. (when you purchase the dyi kit these are not included and must be obtained separately.) Enjoy.... I know I will....

[video=youtube;FfxBSw89EHw] 4yi6f8MCupZEOCNbCxle[/video]

[video=youtube;WvVkMVvsHIE] of44hn1eqyhrd5rnS2V0[/video]
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xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
what? the video's above are both of the same picture.

I was gonna try and explain that to tec but I had a bunch stuff to do the other night. Both videos of the pics are of the same controller. The key pad is an attachment and plugs in where the wired mics do.