my DIY progress so far


New Member
so even with the new jack i cannot get the USB to be detected at all by my PC, not sure what i am doing wrong i wired it up just like the guide says to.


New Member
i have double and triple checked the connection, and when i plug it in, it freaks out the USB on my computer and disables other USB devices. not sure whats going on.


ModdingBros Representative
Somethings not right with the connections. Sounds almost like the groung and power wires are mixed up. If thats not the case it might be your computer. I really dont know though. Im just speculating. It could even be the D+ and D- on the wrong connections. I know your chip has the latest firmware u can always mannully convert your settings using the sync button. Maybe the viking administration could better diagnose the issue but pitcures tell a lot more than words or suggestions. I hope u get it figured out man!


New Member
yeah i tried swapping the D- and D+ just for giggles and got the same result. what do you mean about manually converting settings using the Sync button???


ModdingBros Representative
Huh a lot to explain here. Ill try to give u the quick response. Say u play BO2 and u have probley seen ThermalM16 thread where there is rapidfires/fast reloads/quickscopes settings? well u can mannually program those numbers into your controller. Say u want to change a RF speed. U have 10 classes. Go to the class u want to change. When your ready to change a specific class u hold the tac button and tap the sync button. The player 3 & 4 led will both flash real fast. When this happens u can re program any of your subclasses like RF/quickscops/fastreloads/activereloads. To change the one u want u tap the button it takes to activate that mod. So RF is the right trigger. If u tap the RT u can re program the speeds. The first speeds are in 10ths. So 10sps 20sps 30sps. the RT will increase the sps the LT will decrease the sps. If u wanted 20sps u would hold the RT till the player 3 & 4 led flashes 2 times. Then tap the tac buttion and it goes to single sps. 1, 2 ,3 sps. Now say u want 23 sps u would hold the RT till the player 3 led flashes 3 times. When your happy with that tap the tac button again now u will be in 10ths of a second. .10/.20./30 So say u want your complete RF to be 23.8 sps u would hold the RT till the player 4 led flashes 8 times. When u tap the tac button again it will save your settings on the class slot u programed it under.

So recap: Tac+sync+activation button of mod u want to reprogram. Tens of seconds will flash 3 & 4 leds at same time. RT increases LT decreases. 0 settings will flash real fast. Tap tac then it goes to single digets 1,2,3,4. The Player 3 led will represent single didgets. Tap tac again for thenths of a second .1,.2,.3. The player 4 led represents the tenths of a second didgets. Tap again and it saves your classes.

If u want to re due fast reload u would do Tac+sync+X button then u would be in program mode. Just get the speeds u want using thermalM16 chart write them down and manully program them in.

P.s i dont remember if its Tac button or sync button to cycle through to the settings. So if tac button dosent switch to the next setting then its sync. Hard to explain. I hope i dident confuse u with this but once u get use to it its actually real easy to do.