My macro controller is having problems with the thumbstick


New Member
Hey my Xbox 360 macro controller is having problems when I press the left thumbstick. Like in any fps game when I try to sprint it won't let me or it will for Like a milan second. This is a big problem in gaming and I hope to find the solution to it. How much does it cost to send it in and repair it and how much would it cost. I think that my warranty is overdue and black ops 2 will come out in a few months. So ya
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


ModdingBros Leader
When did you purchase the controller? You can file a support ticket over at and explain to them the situation you are having. Before you do that have you reflashed the firmware to it? If that doesnt work then do the support ticket system, they will get you all figured out with pricing and stuff, the standard fee is $50 plus you have to pay to ship it in. However if it is still under warranty then all you will have to worry about is shipping.


New Member

Alright I don't know how to Reflash the software. If it just getting the newest software and updating the mods. Then I will do that. And lemme check of when I bought it.


New Member
okay im back

alright it works much better but it feels like it doesnt register or something. like instead of holding down the left thumbstick straight and pressing on it i have to hold it like left and kinda forward. so ya