My self modded modded berserker


Active Member
Here are some pics of my berserker, (normal and altered views) .... I have made a new heel piece (using the parts from the issued controller from the xb1), it now feels very close to the 360 feel ... used blue tac to build it up until it totally fits MY hand and grip, I then used and cut up a silicon skin cover for the 360, then stretched it over the whole piece and super glued it in place (leave enough trim clear for the rubber cover to glue to) ... End result is as you see. Hated the xb1 controller, now I am loving using it, and of course its the BERSERKER, which is soooooooo awesome .... Feel free to comment or condemn ....

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 5.jpg 9.jpg


Active Member
Looking good Jim! I would like to do something about the grips myself! some type of all grip!

Pretty sure some enterprising company will catch on to the need for something like these and produce them in the future, there are lots of complaints on various forums about the controller shape and feel, me, I cannot wait for them, so make my own, lol, did the same with the chat adapter ....


ModdingBros Representative
Nice work Jim! I'm going to do my own hydro dipping. For 75$ u can get 8 of any hydro dip designs then all u have to do is set the hydro dip paper on top of water then spray the hydro paper with a special release agent spray to activate it then u just dip your shells over the print and presto, pro quality hydro dip!

I've seen some companies that actually have soft silicone shells that go over the controller for that extra grip feel/ texture. Really helps out if your the sweaty palms type lol.
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New Member
Great job Jim. Looks really good. I also have been looking into something for the grips. A few things out there on Amazon that I might test out.