My Thor's Hammer


New Member
Hey I just start playing my Xbox 360 again and I found my Thor's Hammer laying next to my Xbox 360. Thats not the problem the problem is the a cord in the controller is messed up and I can't change the modes. I was wondering if I can send it back and pay for it to be fixed ? Please Email/PM me or leave a post with your answer.


Active Member
modded matt, one of the mods does a fix for about 80 dollars.

Register on this website:

Talk to modded matt there. Make him PM you on vikingforums to make sure it is really him (which it is, but safer for you).

He is on acid mods 24/7 and only on vikingforums every so often. So if you really need this, talk to him there. He'll fix you up.


Active Member
IrishStyle said:
Contact Fredrow for repairs. He is the original repair/modder from this site. As MM is not supposed to be doing any sort of B/S/T or soliciting on this forum per Odin.

Oh alright then. Sorry for saying for him to go to modded matt, I thought he was allowed because he just posted a few days ago saying he'd fix up a controller for money.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
When you say the cord is messed up do you mean the 3.5mm jack? Has it fallen inside the controller? If hot-glue gave way we usually will repair that back at our shop, assuming you are the original purchaser and this isn't a craigslist, or "my buddy gave it to me" unit.


Active Member
Hey JTB could you please explain a little bit more about your problem. I understand that you are not able to change modes, so this means that you can not put the controller into programming mode either? Have you done the dreaded check list yet

New batteries
Rest your controller
Turn it off
Turn it back on
Erase the code form the Viking360 chip
Upload a simple basic code and test out your findings and re-post back please??