Need help with Rapid fire Hex editor. D:


New Member
Every time i try to load up the Hex edito i get this.


I have .NET installed and every thing that is needed, it just wont work. Is there any way if fixing this?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Question, were you trying to edit the config.xml file that is in the program directory of the hex editor? If that XML gets corrupt the software will crash. Like Jets said, try a re-install and update us here at the forums. The software uses the microsoft .NET framework. Have you installed any other new software on your computer lately (or uninstalled?) that might've made changes to the .net framework?


Active Member
You now what, you just might have a virus on your PC, or maybe you might have a corrupt RAM stick..... If you updated your netframwork to the 4-version then your problem may be with your PC....

Because from that img you loaded up it seems that the software crashed on you, which could be a virus problem or even worse default computer hardware..... But that is just my 2-cents on it.....


Active Member
Another question too, is did you have a previous version of the hex editor loaded at one time? Because if I remember right; you had to uninstall the previous version of the hex.editor software before installing the new version of the hex.editor software..... I'm not 100% sure on that, but for some reason I remember hear that at one time.....


New Member
Sorry, i was tried then xD, but i was trying to ask, If there was any other why of fixing it cuz i tryed to uninstall and re install but nothin worked D:.

modded matt

Active Member
Question, were you trying to edit the config.xml file that is in the program directory of the hex editor? If that XML gets corrupt the software will crash. Like Jets said, try a re-install and update us here at the forums. The software uses the microsoft .NET framework. Have you installed any other new software on your computer lately (or uninstalled?) that might've made changes to the .net framework?

alot of times when forcing your pc to open these types of files, depending on software, they can change the encoding hence corrupting the file without you knowing it. Like jets said, completely remove any trace of the software and reinstall, you may want to go as far as deleting and reinstalling the .net framework package first. run a virus scan, to be safe, but thats not likely.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nobody's asked yet - is this a legit copy of Windows running on a PC?

And not a pirated copy of Windows running on a Mac? :)