Need info on Modded Matt or RF source code??


Active Member
Hey guy's I need some info if anyone has it for me? First thing does anyone have info on contacting Modded Matt?

Also anyone have info on a good rapid fire open source code? I'm back messing around with modding my Razer controller and I don't have anymore Legacy boards left and I know that the new Viking360 chip will not work with the Razer's PCB. So anyone got some info for me?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Have you picked out a particular PIC chip yet?

Don't waste your time and write it in assembly, do yourself a favor and write it using C. You can pick between CCS, Hi-tech or Microchip's C compiler. I just stick with microchip's C compiler for PICxx's since it's "name brand". Or you can go away from Microchip altogether - Atmel has a similar line of microcontroller.


Active Member
Nah; I'm not going in that particular direction with it. My programming skills are not at that level yet. I was just looking for a simple RF source code to use
something like Hazard's old open source code he had going on Microchip forums a few years back.

But I'm thinking about scratching that idea because I don't know anymore about doing the Raze rapid fire controller. I just got done playing online for a couple hours with the controller as is, and I kind of don't like the feel of the controller. But I do like the joysticks out of it, so I'm thinking of de-solder the joysticks from it and installing them into a CG2 PCB....