Need input from anyone and everyone!! Please??


Active Member
This goes out to anyone and everyone that opens this thread up!!

Please click on this link CUSTOM VIKING The link is to one of my YouTube video's. The reason why I want people to go and check out the link is because I have this one
dude leaving comments on there and he is really starting to get on my nerves!!!! Hahaha... He claims that either, there is no song information or that the song information is not correct!!!

Here is a quick screen shot of the page from my view!!


I just need to know if this is what other people see when they pull up on the page or if it's different!!!

Thank you in advance to anyone and everyone who has taken the time to do this for me!!!
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ModdingBros Leader
i see exactly like your screen shot and by the way thats a beast controller wanna trade? lol jk


I see the artist name and song name correctly. I think that guy leaving comments is a foreigner so he probably doesn't know English very well.


Active Member
i see exactly like your screen shot and by the way thats a beast controller wanna trade? lol jk

That was a custom macro controller I built/sold to someone!!! The dopiest thing about that controller, well besides it being a V360-Macro, is that its a normal stock M$ shell with the guts of an XCM light-up
shell in it!!!

Thanks for the props dude!!


ModdingBros Leader
nice haha your just a beast and making custom controllers arent ya and you deserve the props i couldnt do that for sure i may be able to install some leds but thats it and i would still have a hard time doing it

naruto uzumaki

New Member
I've see exactly what your screenshot says and NYjetsNY1 is correct why let those people get to you, when you know your right and your custom mods are sooo cool, wish l lived closer to you guys as i got my macro controller set over here and it costs me over $100 in postage, but it was all worth it ;)