We're pretty much done with updates for awhile unless something amazingly super extraordinarily different is discovered in the world of mods. It's impossible to keep up with a new jitter mod method every week. None of the methods are reliable for all customers and it gets patched and changes every week. I see lots of posts with various jitter methods being built on the XBOX 360 macro and the posts go something like this:
"Try my jitter it's awesome!"
"That does't work for me."
"That sort of worked but not reliably and it skips to much so I went back to my version"
"Ok try this it's version 2 tweaked!"
"Still doesn't work for me."
"Ok that works better!"
"Ooops nevermind I just had it skip again".
etc. etc.
If I release an update it's gotta work for EVERYBODY, not just some customers.
On top of reliability issues, last time I released a jitter update for PS3 customers (v1.5), I got chewed out by so many customers I had to post v1.4 on the website for download. It turns out the customers who did not like v1.5 were still playing MW2. v1.5 was updated to improve jitter timing for BO2. There's simply no way to keep everybody happy. If I release a new driver update, then I'll probably get chewed out by all the BO2 players who like the jitter the way it is.
The solution to all of this is that we will be trying our ****dest to offer macro controller on both the PS4 and XBOX One. Macro controller and the macro software is the only possible way to keep up with so many customer demands from customers. The Ragnarok software platform is hard-coded, it's painstaking work, it takes about 16 hours of coding and testing to release even the simplest updates for the Ragnarok controllers. I'm really apprehensive to go through all that trouble unless it's for a new mod that works good and works for everybody. Aka back when I went from v1.4 to v1.5, thinking I was doing good, and instead made all the jitter users angry!
Also everybody will complain if I have to make it so there are 20 jitter modes, the rapidfire customers already don't like having to scroll through the 10 modes and we don't have "two way" scrolling.
Sorry to sound so pessimistic, it's hard to keep everybody happy, I got somewhere between 6,000 and 10,000 customers (hard to tell as some purchases were repeat orders) to keep happy, I make an update for one guy and then all of a sudden I get 500 e-mails from angry customers saying the new update sucks and they want their old version back