ModdingBros Representative
]Here is my super jitter! U can use it on the M60 LMG, Burst riffles & semi auto riffles. It makes weapons shoot insanly faster. There are still bugs with it though. Its running so fast that even when i loop it to play out one more time it still does weapon swaps. The RT verson seems to funtion better as well at half trigger pull. When I get more time ill work on different XYY spacings and see if i cant elemenate the weapon swaps. Connection may vary results. On my connection I have the M60 at a sweet spot where its firing at blazing speeds. Its about 3 1/2 sec faster than normal rate of fire when counting clip empty timming! Its a great jitter weapon as it has 100 rounds and hevy bullet damage. Try it out tell me what u think of the speed. Dont mention the weapon swap as i know this is a annoying issue. Like i said this weekend when I have time ill work on it. Enjoy.