ModdingBros Representative
Hey everyone I wanted to share some new mod technologies that i stumbled across on today. I hope im not stepping over any gray areas here in the forums my soul purpose of this is to share knowledge of what new directions mod companies are going. With this said I would like to talk about the intensafire mod company and their new mod called the wolf.
Before I go on talking about it I will provide a link to their page. This will show the new technolgies they are implementing.
This Mod is like most intensafire mod installs if u have ever seen them or done them. They are mid to low difficulty installation. They also sell pre modded controllers as well.
This is actually a macro controller. The macro controller from what i can see cannot touch vikings macro software. I say this because their is no anologe movement macro capibilites nor did i see any different loop settings or speed multipliers. It will allow u to record and playback and edit the playbacks but keep in mind NO anologe movements or loop settings. This leads me to belive that the speed multiplier is probley set at 1.00. It can take control of every other button funtions avalible on the controller (no anologe movements) and u can save up to 17 macros assigined to the 17 button combinations on the xbox controller
There are still gray areas I dont understand. Im sure u it cannot bypass the hard codded button presses on the controller which leads me to belive whatever macro u assign to a hard codded button, be that A,B,X,Y,RT,LT,RS,LS,start,back,guide buttion,D up,D down,D left,D right ,RB & LB u will want that macro to play off that inital press.
The macro capibilites does not impress me at all I just had to run through what i see as problamatic or gray areas in their software. It dosent state weather or not they charge for the use of their software ether. Besides the macro aspect what intriges me is other technologies in their mod.
If u read through their web page u will see they use bluetooth technology that allows u to set up voice reconition software. U can record voice reconition onto your macro and implement it in gameplay. U can program a voice to a macro, Ex. say a rapidfire macro, then say rapid fire on! Now when u are playing you can just say rapid fire on and it will inable your macro or even make it automatically run the macros course. I was kinda taken by this.
I feel on next gen consoles with the new viking mods it would be cool to see voice reconition software. To be able to turn on your mods to the buttons u assign them to through voice reconition would be awsome. Imagine being able to activate macros by saying fast reload turbo knife rapid fire 1, 2 or even 3 to all the macros stored on your controller. Instead of switching macro pages just speak the macro u want to run off the button u assigned it to. If u could assign "say" 10 macros to each individual button on the controller or tac switches it would be amazing. U wouldent have to worry about switching pages! Also if the software could keep things the old way as well, it would be epic.
They have implemented their software to work off android and iphone apps. This would be big as well if this was to be implemented to new viking macro technology on next gen mods. There are other technologies that intensafire has implemented but I find to be corney and useless. They have whats called alpha wolf where u can have four controllers with their mod inside that allows u to play off a one person game. Ex. 1 person can control anologe funtions like running around, another can controll aim / fire while the next person can control say the A,B,X,Y buttons. Basically four people can control indiviual sequences on say a one person controller game.
I dont see this technology as ground breaking and kinda pointless but nether the less it is somewhat cool but mainly I see it as a cheep marketing ploy to buy 4 of their mods.
I for one would not buy this product as it is not to my standerds as what i want in a macro controller but the bluetooth aspect i thought was pretty cool.
Im posting this to spread knowelge of what "I feel" are the directions mod companies are going to go in the next gen mods.
I just want to know your opinions on this product and what u think of the direction they are taking their mods in. Check out their site they even have like 4 youtube videos on their site and get a better understanding of what technoligies they are implementing.
Again I hope i dont offend any moderator or admin with this posting i just wanted to share new technologies that other comapnies are implementing into their controllers as what i feel are going the next big things in mod technologies.
Before I go on talking about it I will provide a link to their page. This will show the new technolgies they are implementing.
This Mod is like most intensafire mod installs if u have ever seen them or done them. They are mid to low difficulty installation. They also sell pre modded controllers as well.
This is actually a macro controller. The macro controller from what i can see cannot touch vikings macro software. I say this because their is no anologe movement macro capibilites nor did i see any different loop settings or speed multipliers. It will allow u to record and playback and edit the playbacks but keep in mind NO anologe movements or loop settings. This leads me to belive that the speed multiplier is probley set at 1.00. It can take control of every other button funtions avalible on the controller (no anologe movements) and u can save up to 17 macros assigined to the 17 button combinations on the xbox controller
There are still gray areas I dont understand. Im sure u it cannot bypass the hard codded button presses on the controller which leads me to belive whatever macro u assign to a hard codded button, be that A,B,X,Y,RT,LT,RS,LS,start,back,guide buttion,D up,D down,D left,D right ,RB & LB u will want that macro to play off that inital press.
The macro capibilites does not impress me at all I just had to run through what i see as problamatic or gray areas in their software. It dosent state weather or not they charge for the use of their software ether. Besides the macro aspect what intriges me is other technologies in their mod.
If u read through their web page u will see they use bluetooth technology that allows u to set up voice reconition software. U can record voice reconition onto your macro and implement it in gameplay. U can program a voice to a macro, Ex. say a rapidfire macro, then say rapid fire on! Now when u are playing you can just say rapid fire on and it will inable your macro or even make it automatically run the macros course. I was kinda taken by this.
I feel on next gen consoles with the new viking mods it would be cool to see voice reconition software. To be able to turn on your mods to the buttons u assign them to through voice reconition would be awsome. Imagine being able to activate macros by saying fast reload turbo knife rapid fire 1, 2 or even 3 to all the macros stored on your controller. Instead of switching macro pages just speak the macro u want to run off the button u assigned it to. If u could assign "say" 10 macros to each individual button on the controller or tac switches it would be amazing. U wouldent have to worry about switching pages! Also if the software could keep things the old way as well, it would be epic.
They have implemented their software to work off android and iphone apps. This would be big as well if this was to be implemented to new viking macro technology on next gen mods. There are other technologies that intensafire has implemented but I find to be corney and useless. They have whats called alpha wolf where u can have four controllers with their mod inside that allows u to play off a one person game. Ex. 1 person can control anologe funtions like running around, another can controll aim / fire while the next person can control say the A,B,X,Y buttons. Basically four people can control indiviual sequences on say a one person controller game.
I dont see this technology as ground breaking and kinda pointless but nether the less it is somewhat cool but mainly I see it as a cheep marketing ploy to buy 4 of their mods.
I for one would not buy this product as it is not to my standerds as what i want in a macro controller but the bluetooth aspect i thought was pretty cool.
Im posting this to spread knowelge of what "I feel" are the directions mod companies are going to go in the next gen mods.
I just want to know your opinions on this product and what u think of the direction they are taking their mods in. Check out their site they even have like 4 youtube videos on their site and get a better understanding of what technoligies they are implementing.
Again I hope i dont offend any moderator or admin with this posting i just wanted to share new technologies that other comapnies are implementing into their controllers as what i feel are going the next big things in mod technologies.
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