Hi there,
it`s my second viking installation so far (only ordered 2 chips so far ... at this point ... thanks to ben for the deal)
but even on my second installation i`ve discovered a better way to do the installation.
so i thought about to make a thread where you can share your "viking installation experience".
I thinks it`s a pretty good idea to share any tips and tricks for the viking installation.
This way we will get a "easy way installation" who everybody will get benefits from and
it will make the D.I.Y. more attractiv for the people that actually think it`s difficult to
D.I.Y but don`t have the money to buy a ready soldered one.
Otherwise the very postive side-effect is ... a bigger community ... many ideas ... maybe better tools for the viking ...
So please share your Tips and Tricks ...
So here are mine Tips and Tricks so far (based on CG2 sleeper installation):
In my opinion for the most people it`s very dangerous and difficult to solder directly to the traces.
But it`s also very difficult to prepare the solder points (holes) with x-acto knife.
So i found a very good Tool to prepare the board for soldering to the holes.
I call it "fiberglass-rubber" i don`t know if there exits a specific word in english ... sorry im a german
it`s a "rubber" with fiberglass which is a pretty good tool to remove the "board isolation" very quickly .
In combination with a mini fluxer you will get very good results.
Just scratch the isolation off and take a little bit flux on the holes ... voila.
"The Preparation Tools":
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The Results:
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Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Prepare the viking chip before you attach it to the controller board,
because this will make life much easier
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Ready soldered board:
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Uploaded with ImageShack.us
To fix the "open" traces and hold the wires in place i prefer nail varnish ... yes nail varnish,
just rip it off your wife, girlfriend however it will do a pretty good job
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Fixed traces and wires :
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To get a better chip fitting i prefer to cut the edges of the places shown below.
This way your chip will get a good basement and the shell will close completely.
Better fitting :
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
These are my Tips and Tricks so far ... so please share yours
[sorry for bad english]
it`s my second viking installation so far (only ordered 2 chips so far ... at this point ... thanks to ben for the deal)
but even on my second installation i`ve discovered a better way to do the installation.
so i thought about to make a thread where you can share your "viking installation experience".
I thinks it`s a pretty good idea to share any tips and tricks for the viking installation.
This way we will get a "easy way installation" who everybody will get benefits from and
it will make the D.I.Y. more attractiv for the people that actually think it`s difficult to
D.I.Y but don`t have the money to buy a ready soldered one.
Otherwise the very postive side-effect is ... a bigger community ... many ideas ... maybe better tools for the viking ...
So please share your Tips and Tricks ...
So here are mine Tips and Tricks so far (based on CG2 sleeper installation):
In my opinion for the most people it`s very dangerous and difficult to solder directly to the traces.
But it`s also very difficult to prepare the solder points (holes) with x-acto knife.
So i found a very good Tool to prepare the board for soldering to the holes.
I call it "fiberglass-rubber" i don`t know if there exits a specific word in english ... sorry im a german
it`s a "rubber" with fiberglass which is a pretty good tool to remove the "board isolation" very quickly .
In combination with a mini fluxer you will get very good results.
Just scratch the isolation off and take a little bit flux on the holes ... voila.
"The Preparation Tools":
Uploaded with http://imageshack.us
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
The Results:
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Prepare the viking chip before you attach it to the controller board,
because this will make life much easier
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Ready soldered board:
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
To fix the "open" traces and hold the wires in place i prefer nail varnish ... yes nail varnish,
just rip it off your wife, girlfriend however it will do a pretty good job
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Fixed traces and wires :
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
To get a better chip fitting i prefer to cut the edges of the places shown below.
This way your chip will get a good basement and the shell will close completely.
Better fitting :
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
These are my Tips and Tricks so far ... so please share yours
[sorry for bad english]