new xbox controller question


Active Member
modded matt said:
the key is wire managment, keep everything tight and straped down.

Double M: when you mean tight, your talking about when your running the wires, keep them nice and tight close together. Right?

Because when you make your solder connection's you want to have a little bit of slack, just a little bit. Because during use of the controller things heat up/then cool down, and if you have a wire going to a solder point that is at the point of stretching the wire to reach your solder connection; you may have troubles a month down the road, of your wire becoming detached.

Also when your soldering, watch for cold solder joints (I myself have this problem sometimes) but all in all just have fun with it; that is installing the MOD chip. Be patient with it, don't get to over frustrated when something doesn't work right. When you feel you get to that point, the best thing to do is, walk away from your project and doing something else to get your mind off of it; then go back a couple hours later and try again........


Active Member
Fredrow said:
modded matt said:
the key is wire managment, keep everything tight and straped down.

Double M: when you mean tight, your talking about when your running the wires, keep them nice and tight close together. Right?

Because when you make your solder connection's you want to have a little bit of slack, just a little bit. Because during use of the controller things heat up/then cool down, and if you have a wire going to a solder point that is at the point of stretching the wire to reach your solder connection; you may have troubles a month down the road, of your wire becoming detached.

Also when your soldering, watch for cold solder joints (I myself have this problem sometimes) but all in all just have fun with it; that is installing the MOD chip. Be patient with it, don't get to over frustrated when something doesn't work right. When you feel you get to that point, the best thing to do is, walk away from your project and doing something else to get your mind off of it; then go back a couple hours later and try again........
Thanks for the tip fredrow. And good point about the wires being too tight. I'm doing the project Saturday..if anyone else has some pointers let me know(especially MM and fredrow and Ben)

modded matt

Active Member
I will see if I can find some pics. but yea, when running the wires you want to keep them tight against the board, so nothing gets caught or pinched when closing the shell. as far as soldering is concerned its hard to explain I loop most of my conections, if the wire is coming up from the bottom of the mobo, I run the wire past my point, then loop it back down to the conection point leaving .25 inch or so loose.but mainly I ment it should be tight againts the mobo for snags and what not.


Active Member
modded matt said:
I will see if I can find some pics. but yea, when running the wires you want to keep them tight against the board, so nothing gets caught or pinched when closing the shell. as far as soldering is concerned its hard to explain I loop most of my conections, if the wire is coming up from the bottom of the mobo, I run the wire past my point, then loop it back down to the conection point leaving .25 inch or so loose.but mainly I ment it should be tight againts the mobo for snags and what not.
Oh like what I do when I rap my headphones around my iPod I rap it tight but leave the headphone Jack area loose.

Xx Binno xX

New Member
Thank you fredrow mod matt and M1A1 for all these tips and help you just make me wanna mod a controller even more. I just don't have the cash right now. I'm trying to get a new computer.