

New Member
Hey all,

New to viking and mods. I have been checking out the forum the last few days, and have learned some interesting things. I am glad that viking deciced to get into the ps3 market because it looks like they have a great product. Funny that I just moved out of washington state then became aware of viking. Anyway, looking forward to contributing.

Colonel Sanders

New Member
Welcome Mr. Irish Nick,

It's Great To Have You In The Community, There Are alot of very Friendly and Interesting People Floating Around These Forums.
If You ever Need Any help, My Signature should Hopefully get you pointed in the Right Direction. If You do have any questions feel free to post and ask around, I'm sure that you will get a Hundred and One Replies and just about all of them Will be Helpfull.

Kind Regards,

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
Welcome, if you haven't gotten a controller yet (Macro or Ragnarok) I suggest you do. Anything from Viking is the best. Anyways welcome to the Viking Community, the best on the web. Add me if you want to play sometime or if you don't have the controller I could give you a demonstration. Gamertag is in my signature.

- Calvin


ModdingBros Co-Leader
Welcome to the Viking forums I'm Red Sox as you can see lol I am part of ModdingBros the communities group we help out other members take macro requests and have made the "Communities" fastest Blacks Ops rapid fire so if you ever need help just msg me MJ23KB24 or any of the other ModdingBros