Not a viking controller (broken trigger)


New Member
I was recently given a free controller from my friend with a broken left trigger. removed the old one and replaced it with a new trigger from a "donor" controller. After playing around with it, and feeling pretty good about myself, i replaced the casing. Problem is after i put the whole thing back together it stopped working. Once I opened it up again it still didn't work. I've tried removing and replacing the trigger again but still no success. If anyone could give me some kind of insight as to what is going on or just offer some tips for replacing triggers i would really appreciate it! :D
-sorry if this shouldn't be posted here but I know some viking moderators really know their controllers!


Active Member
Exodeos said:
I was recently given a free controller from my friend with a broken left trigger. removed the old one and replaced it with a new trigger from a "donor" controller. After playing around with it, and feeling pretty good about myself, i replaced the casing. Problem is after i put the whole thing back together it stopped working. Once I opened it up again it still didn't work. I've tried removing and replacing the trigger again but still no success. If anyone could give me some kind of insight as to what is going on or just offer some tips for replacing triggers i would really appreciate it! :D
-sorry if this shouldn't be posted here but I know some viking moderators really know their controllers!
is there a short?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Look through all the connections for maybe a little piece of silver solder that is bridging something it shouldn't be, check the three little connections in a row on the trigger again. Strange that it worked and then it didn't when you put the case together, seems like maybe the case is pushing on the trigger funny or something, I dunno. Does it work if you take the case off again?


New Member
Thanks everyone for the advice! From what I can see it has not shorted (of course the there probably wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't shorting somewhere !) and it doesn't work without the casing. If it helps i think I'll post a picture tomorrow so that you guys can maybe spot the problem?! My whole setup for soldering is very old and cheap so im thinking maybe some ended up somewhere it shouldn't have. thanks again everyone!!


New Member
Are you sure the trigger is staying connected to the arm coming off the pot? It might not be fully engaging the pot.


New Member
the thing i hate about taking apart controllers is the RB and LB, i cant get those to stay on the controller when i put it back together!!!


New Member
Ok everyone I took the trigger off (my fourth time!) cleaned all the connections and re-soldered everything. To my surprise it worked!! I'm not sure what I was doing wrong before but now I've got a free working controller. Thanks for the advice everyone!!