Online playing


New Member
It's me again when ever I go test my tyr's hand in private match it's fast but when I go public/play online with people all over the world it lags I have it at 13 Sps i think it's my connection if it is does anyone know a program or what I could do to improve my gaming connection looking forward to buying that new Viking xD


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Do the network connection test from your 360's settings screen and make sure your "NAT type" says it's "OPEN".


New Member
What game are you playing? If you are playing Black Ops I believe the max fire rate is around 9SPS and your shots will lag if you try to go over what your connection can handle due to the way it handles fire rates. For instance if you are host you can shoot 9SPS but if you have 150ms to the host you can only do about 8-8.5. MW2 should be consistent across the board at 13SPS because the max rate is higher and it doesn't have the same restrictions that BO has.

Xx Binno xX

New Member
What game are you playing? If you are playing Black Ops I believe the max fire rate is around 9SPS and your shots will lag if you try to go over what your connection can handle due to the way it handles fire rates. For instance if you are host you can shoot 9SPS but if you have 150ms to the host you can only do about 8-8.5. MW2 should be consistent across the board at 13SPS because the max rate is higher and it doesn't have the same restrictions that BO has.
That is for the macro controller. The tyrs hand is a different chip so a few things are different when its comes to the rapid fire anyways.


New Member
The issue with rapid fire is Black Ops and not the method of achieving it. My friend had a rapid fire controller and experienced the same issues as me within Black Ops so it is definitely not the Macro controller doing it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member

The rapidfire speeds are actually different on the Legacy controllers vs. the macro controllers. The legacy controllers, well, my coding wasn't as optimized as it is on the macro controllers. In other words there's some "overhead". So even if you pick 13 SPS on a legacy controller really you are getting about 85% of that (on average) or around 11 sps.

On a macro controller, if you dial in 13 sps (using the correct multiplier, etc) you will get exactly 13 sps. The macro controller doesn't lie lol.


Active Member
Well there are different speeds to try for different games and controllers.

For Tyr's hand / rapid-fire controller:

MW2 - 13.80, 27.40.
Try either speed.

Black Ops - 12.60, 11.60, 11.80, 11.40. Try them all.

Macro controller
MW2- 21.6 SPS or 19.7 SPS (both are in library).

Black Ops- 8.7 SPS (for my connection) or 8.9 SPS if you have a good connection