ordered controller


Active Member

How do get an account?
Your account will automatically be created when you purchase our products.

I have one of your controllers, but I dont think I have an account.
You can reset your password here. If you still need assistance, contact our support department.


Please try the e-mail you made the account with, if that doesn't work, try your parents e-mail account if it was a gift. All shipping addresses have to be the same as billing, so more than likely it was you or your parents.


New Member
i had an account from before but my password would not work and i reset it and that wouldnt work so i just made a new account and also i tried my order again and it worked i got recipt in new email so hopefully you guys dont have me down for more than 1 controller cause if so i only needed one thank you


Active Member
Please PM. odingalt, the administrator. Tell him your e-mail(s) and last name(s) and he will tell you if you had 2 orders.