ordering problems


New Member
im new to the site and forum i had credit card issues trying to order my controller dose anyone know who i can talk to about this the help desk isnt answering me back ...i would also know when more ragnarok controllers will be made because i rather order that one anyway


ModdingBros Leader
Hey welcome to the forums! You may be unable to order because your address doesnt match up with your credit card address. You can always put the money on a prepaid card and order like that. Keep in mind you will need to put enough money on it to pay for shipping and if you dont live in the US that will be a lot of money. The ragnarok controllers are currently in a transition as Odin(Big man with the plan AKA Owner of the company) is making a transition which motherboard the chips work on. I couldnt give you an exact time on when they will be in again however I will say that they should be here in the next moth or so. Thats just what I think though wait until Odingalt responds to this as he can give you a better time frame. Again welcome to the forums if you have any other concerns or need anything period Im here to help!


New Member
thanks you very much..and yes i live in bethlehem Pennsylvanian in the US how much shipping are we talking ?? and yes thats the notification that came up for me what dose that mean i called my card holder and they said the info on my card is right and working ...and on the ordins ravon dose that have a jitter mode and a akimbo mode were at hip fire they work but looking down the site of a normal primary like ump 45 or sniper it shuts off like the ragnarok dose because i like that feature on my friends and a prepaid card i can get at any store correct ?


ModdingBros Leader
Well since you live in the US then you will pay around 10-20 bucks for shipping. So I would add 20 bucks extra to the price on the controller just to be safe. You can go to any store (Walmart,Kmart, even gas station Im sure) and then put the money on a card and go from there. The ragnarok is cool though however all of the controllers are pretty awesome I think.


New Member
idk it just seems shady to me my credit card should of worked and im not going to throw exstra money because the site says free standerd shipping and there is no number or contact to the people and the forums dont get checked much i think ill just go with someone else thanks for your time


ModdingBros Leader
Hmmm alright man your choice. I'm surprised Odin hasn't got on recently and I have no power or anything to get you to stay. I gaurentee that they are a legit site though, I'm just a customer and I have dedicated my time on here just because I love this controller. However I can see how you can get discouraged, the help desk should of got back to you quicker then they did though. Hope to see you around, the time was no issue and I appreciate the thank you. Have a nice day!

Apex NuGz

New Member
idk guys, is it just me that finds this odd.. but a order has to be at least $25.... come on now... lol all i want is dominator grips :(


Well-Known Member
Staff member

1.) We are legit. We have thousands of customers. :)

2.) Our credit card system is 100% automated and is served by the world-recognized leader in on-line credit card processing, Authorize.net. If your card is not accepted, it's because the information you entered did not pass our credit card fraud check. The #1 most common reason for rejected transaction is that you are not entering the address exactly as it appears on your banking statement. We ONLY ship to your verified billing address. Entering any address other than what appears exactly on your statement will result in your card being rejected.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Some of our accessories are priced at cost. We used to allow any sized order, but we found out that some people use google to find the vendor that sells the cheapest (insert name of any accessory here). So we had random guys googling for a very specific item, finding our store, and ordering. We try to keep the accessories at a decent price so folks can bundle goodies with their modded controller when they are shopping around the holidays.