This is everything that happened.
I took the controller out of the box, turned it on, pressed the tac buttons a lot cause I thought they were cool.
Then I went to download The Viking Software, while I was waiting, I downloaded the FIRMWAREUPDATER2.EXE and FIRMWARE UPDATE
I plugged in my controller, it had worked that time, then updated it with one of the tutorial videos on your youtube channel.
I clicked program/verify, then reset device.
After that, it all started happening.
When I pressed the guide button to go play my xbox, none of the leds on the controller lighted up, but still the xbox turned the led on for player one, I could move and do the same stuff, but the leds didnt show up.
Then when I'm playing, i pressed the start button to leave the game, and then the P1, P4 leds lighted up, for modding mode or w.e you call it.
Then I went and contacted M1A1xVIKINGxFTW, he told me to try connecting the controller to the pc with no batteries, didn't work.
We tried a bunch of more things, and at the end we couldn't figure it out, he then suggested giving you a pm, which I did yesterday.
So hopefully we can figure this out.