Plz Help

SiLenT BuMRusH

New Member
Can someone help me with the akimbo mode in mw2. Whenever i try to use it on the m9s it doesn't seem to work. i've tried everything.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
Tell me exactly what you've been doing that isn't working so I can see if you're doing something wrong. Do you have rapidfire enabled and is your controller in the correct akimbo mode?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Works great now...but I can't seem to gett the alternating pattern that I see in akimbo mode in some of the tutorials.

Making progress. What do you mean by the alternating pattern? Like the left and right guns alternating shots? This is for semi-auto pistols with Akimbo mode #1-#3. When you use Akimbo #4 with fully-auto pistols they won't alternate.