That's right Ben. There are two drawbacks to selecting the 'modify the PnC' as the way you will program your Viking with Driver updates:
1.) The charging LED on the PnC aka Play n' Charge cable is disabled. (this goes for any PnC cable, not just the one we send with the controller when you select the PnC option)
2.) You can't actually play with the PnC cable plugged in. Why? Because of the way we mod the PnC port, it will actually disable the 'button A' and the right thumbstick and screw up the controller.
So in summary, if you select the 'modify PnC port' option, you can charge your controller, but only when not in use, and since the charging LED on the PnC cable is also disabled, you'll have to check the xbox menu to see where your battery life is sitting at.
These drawbacks are solved if you select the 3.5mm jack option. Under that option, we install a separate 3.5mm jack for programming the Viking with Driver updates, and you can use your PnC port and PnC cable to their fullest original function.