Problems Downlaoding Sometimes


Sometimes when I'm downloading Runes onto the controller is get this message,

Starting Erase/Program/Verify Sequence.
Do not unplug device or disconnect power until the operation is fully complete.
Writing Device...
Preparing programmed region of device... (no status update until complete, may take several seconds)
Erase Complete (0.016s)
Write Complete (14.17s)
Verifying Device...
Verify EEPROM Memory Failed.

Why is this occurring?


Active Member
Have had this numerous times, either the usb connection is poor or the power supply is poor, or, its just being a pain in the butt ..... I simply reset and start over ...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If the controller powers itself off during programming it'll fail. You can sync to a console, or, plug a second usb cable into the charge port on the top (other end into your PC) to keep it from going to sleep.


Active Member
If the controller powers itself off during programming it'll fail. You can sync to a console, or, plug a second usb cable into the charge port on the top (other end into your PC) to keep it from going to sleep.

Agreed, if my batteries are low it happens, so use the pc usb charge to overcome it.


Will try, I know my battery hasn't been low when this happens. I noticed that the usb cord that plugs to the bottom to syn doesn't hold very well all the time. It seems to come lose a little easy. Should this be of concern?


Well-Known Member
Will try, I know my battery hasn't been low when this happens. I noticed that the usb cord that plugs to the bottom to syn doesn't hold very well all the time. It seems to come lose a little easy. Should this be of concern?
you should be ok......ram it home so it will connect better!


Active Member
Will try, I know my battery hasn't been low when this happens. I noticed that the usb cord that plugs to the bottom to syn doesn't hold very well all the time. It seems to come lose a little easy. Should this be of concern?

Again, mine comes loose occasionally, (happens on my phone when charging too), when doing the programming, avoid moving the controller, have had eeprom failures due to this ....


Active Member
Just wanted to see if this was normal. Thanks for the responses.

Nothing electronic will work perfectly 100% of the time, not even the superb builds from Viking, connection, humidity, heat, all sorts of things cause occasional hiccups ....