obo said:
The only reason i bought an Xbox 360 over a PS3 is because all my friends had one. I honestly wish that they had all had PS3's but they didn't. So now we are all still paying the outrageous Microsoft price because we all want to play together.
Amen, brother.
There were a few other things that seem to have hindered PS3. PS3 I thought when it was released was an additional $100 to $150 dollars more for the base console. However for good reason; blu-ray and built-in wifi itself was well worth the $100 increase. My wife and I bought PS3 over XBOX 360 for our first console specifically to use it as a blu-ray player. PS3 still kicks the shit out of most standalone blu-ray players with zero load wait times.
Microsoft also allowed certain rumors about their console... when asked directly, they never denied these kinds of claims:
*XBOX 360 Live messenger will allow video chat from an XBOX 360 console to a PC running the Live messenger.
*Some game developers will release cross-platform games that will allow XBOX Live! players to go head-to-head with gamers
I can't think of any other rumors now, but when XBOX 360 was released there were a lot of rumors floating around about what the console *could* possibly be capable of. This was enough to sway people to the XBOX 360. Literally for me the deciding factor was a few popular articles claiming the XBOX 360 console Live messenger would allow video chat with PC users. I thought it would be great to chat with my family from the comfort of my couch using an XBOX 360 camera.
Also, I'm absolutely positive that Microsoft specifically designed their consoles to be hacked. I wouldn't be surprised if they were 'leaking' critical insider information out the back door to hackers to help them hack the original XBOX console. PS2 was hackable, yes, but not nearly as easy as XBOX. The exploitability of the XBOX console - was it just typicaly Microsoft incompetence? Or a carefully crafted marketing strategy designed to ensure their place in the average U.S. household?
Microsoft estimated that somewhere around 1 million XBOX 360's were modded after last year's big ban wave. I don't think XBOX 360 wanted their 360 console hacked. They are extremely active in pursuing bans this time around. Interesting... either they got competent all of a sudden, or there's no need to allow customers to hack their box as they already have a hold on the market...
We all know Microsoft is NOT innovative - with their technology. But with their business practices they are the most deviant business of the 20th and 21st centuries (at least since the big oil and railroad companies of the industrial revolution). In my opinion the fact that Microsoft won the Netscape wars has set our country back about 10-15 years in terms of retail technology.