Ps3 / msmc rapid fire

MSMC is a full auto gun, there is no rapid fire that will shoot faster than it, only slow it down. I have not heard anything about quick draw


New Member
Cool.. Just asking , because setting up the gun u have the option too have it ! Not quick draw ... Quick reload I meant


ModdingBros Representative
For PS3 u will have to find the reload timming out. I would check thermals BO2 spread in the xbox sectiom find the reload speed for the MSMC then decrease that number by 10 then test it out. U can see physically how fast it is pre maturly reloading. If its real close just dial the speed up by 2 speed settings. If its way off then jump up 5 then tweak it up by one number at a time after that. Starting with the origional MSMC fast reload for the xbox on PS3 should give u a good base line on how far off the reload timming is. Trial by error. It might take a little time but if u do it in a process like i stated as an example u should be able to figure it out in under 15min.


New Member
MSMC is a full auto gun, there is no rapid fire that will shoot faster than it, only slow it down. I have not heard anything about quick draw


Isn't there an attachement in-game that you can use to make the MSMC rapid-fire (with the downsides being that the attachement then reduces range and lowers accuracy/increases recoil to not make the gun overpowered)? I ask because I was hoping you could do rapid-fire on the controller to ensure that the MSMC fires at the same speed as it would with the rapid-fire attachement, but without any of the obvious downsides of increased recoil etc.


ModdingBros Representative
Anytime u use rapidfire from your modded controller on a full automatic weapon "even if it has a rapidfire perk" all it will do is slow the origional rate of fire and change the amount of recoil. There are fine balences when it comes to using rapidfire from your controller on full automatics. In most cases the payout dosent add up. The sps "shots per second" will be reduced too slow to make the weapon not efective enough to be at its deadly potentual to get the reduced recoil your aiming for. There are rare cercumstances where adding rapidfire to full automatics pays off for ex. MW3 if u use the G36C assult riffle and use 10.3 sps u will have a weapon that has 0 recoil with slightly reduced rate of fire from the origion rate of fire. Its all about finding the right balance. Only a macro controller can make anolog movement to compensate for recoil pull without sacraficing the rate of fire and even then its never consistant. Lagg time and anolog sensitivites will give u a different result everytime.