PS3 Sticks


I think that llama stoe sells them. Also, I beleive you could take them out of an old PS2, or even PS1 controller, and they would fit.


Active Member
Go to gamestop or a store like that and buy a ps2 controller if you have a ps2 and swap the sticks from the ps2 controller to xbox and put the xbox ones in the ps2 controller


New Member
ok. I will probably just by some from the llama store because i dont have a ps2 and i dont want to buy a controller when it would be cheaper to just buy sticks.


Active Member
Itz CHARLEY said:
ok. I will probably just by some from the llama store because i dont have a ps2 and i dont want to buy a controller when it would be cheaper to just buy sticks.
ok but keep in mind the wireless 360 controller requires a t8 security torx bit... i made that mistake once