I sent an email to Destructoid's tips. I thought it was a good idea. I've also shared across various social media. I would be more than happy to share / email other blogs or news sources that anyone might think would pick up the story. Any suggestions? The projects been stuck at 9 backers for a little bit now. Honestly I'm surprised. I know Viking's community has been a bit more Microsoft centric in the past, but I would have thought they'd still be happy to support the project with at least a T-shirt. Of course, having a PS4 berserker means more Forge users and more runes for everyone. So supporting this project is a win for the Microsoft camp in this way as well.
How would you feel about adding a banner or link right on the front page of Viking360.com and Viking digital.com? This might catch a few more people. As I said, even those not interested in a PS4 Berserker can still be interested in a T-shirt.
I know the $200+ price tag sucks, but it's the old chicken and egg scenario. Without volume, we can't get the price down. Without getting the price down, we can't get the volume. If only a handful of people want to buy a product that costs 6 figures to develop, the only way is for those few hardcore gamers to pay a bigger share. It's looking grim for PS4 Berserker.
All modded controllers are expensive, it's expected. Part of viking360 problem is if I search "ps3 modded controller" or "ps4 modded controller" I don't see viking360 anywhere. Viking did a great job building their 360 following and if they wish to get the same from the ps4 following (which is trending to be much larger than the xbox1) it'll take as much time and effort.
Time and effort? You forgot money, dude. Fat huge stacks of money. If I spend the 6 figures required to compete with the mass marketing of the other shops, you can forget about USB mods, macro controller, and Berserker. The only way to compete in marketing is to sell cheap, run-of-the-mill mods.
Give it some time it will happen! Just like I did a half hour ago....couple of buddies want a berserker but don't know yet! so I loaned them my controller for the weekend to try it! I have a great sense that they will buy one soon after checking it out and with a little help by me with the program they will be amazed!
Wasn't trying to insult you, Odin. I know it takes a ton of money to put out the quality of product your company has been dishing out. I was simply stating that people don't know of Viking360 when it comes to playstation. Making the point that it took years to garner a gathering like you have from the Microsoft bunch it'll take that much time to build a Sony following. I understand ps4 berserker won't happen and I know why. It's not from a lack of effort from you guys just maybe a lack of following from Playstation folks
Wondering if there is a good time of the year we could just dump Berserkers into the market at or below cost for a couple of weeks. Is doing something like that a stupid idea or a smart idea?
On one hand, some customers literally just see a higher price tag and think to themselves "well, it's priced higher so it must be better". On the other hand, $200+ is just a lot of money for a controller. Though dumping them on a fire sale may not do much good as soon as we go back to regular prices where we are profitable we have a few less customers since surely some snipers will take the good deal during a sale.
Yeah my frustration wasn't pointed at you, just pointed at the slow market. We'll be back to normal in a year or two. We're at the intersection between 360/PS3 and XBOX One/PS4. Nobody has upgraded to the new stuff yet, but they are thinking about it, so in the mean time they are holding off on more purchases of the old stuff. So we're sort of in a limbo. Since I am still an e-commerce virgin (5 years but I started in the middle of the XBOX 360 peak) I did not realize that it would be a good 2-3 years of drought from the day they announced the new consoles (March 2013) until the market picked up again. Everybody is at the low water mark right now, not just Viking.
We'll get the PS4 Berserker out if it kills me, it just might not be until 2015. Will sock away some of those holiday shopping revenues for the Berserker project. I just want to see it get out there, also it would be a shame not to get it out there since the Viking Forge doesn't need much modification to support both consoles at the same time.