

New Member
PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ AROUND THE FORUM!!!! Im sorry but please justread!! . You wont get banned for having a mod unless alot of people report you, and ive never heard of that happening..


New Member
okay thanks but u guys need to settle down i searched and couldnt find anything its not like the world is gonna end just cause i have a question someone else had

modded matt

Active Member
you are right Jmwisc, you dont deserve to be yelled at, on behalf of this site I appologize for thejld's out burst. he is a young kid who dont know anything about modding and has no right yelling at you in such a way.


modded matt said:
you are right Jmwisc, you dont deserve to be yelled at, on behalf of this site I appologize for thejld's out burst. he is a young kid who dont know anything about modding and has no right yelling at you in such a way.

Xx Binno xX

New Member
You can not be banned because Microsoft has no proof of you using a moddeed controller. unless they are at your house watching you play xbox with that conroller then that is the only way to get banned and you might not even get banned because microsoft released a modded controller in the UK;.

modded matt

Active Member
the real answer is yes. technically you can be banned for using a modded controller because it is against the microsoft terms of use, and yes they can detect and prove you are using a modded controller, if you dont believe that, play WAW with an old school mod and see what happens.

now. that being said. I have been modding xbox controllers and xboxes since they first came around and I have never seen nor heard of anyone ever getting banned for a mod.

Xx Binno xX

New Member
modded matt said:
the real answer is yes. technically you can be banned for using a modded controller because it is against the microsoft terms of use, and yes they can detect and prove you are using a modded controller, if you dont believe that, play WAW with an old school mod and see what happens.

now. that being said. I have been modding xbox controllers and xboxes since they first came around and I have never seen nor heard of anyone ever getting banned for a mod.

On waw its just a gun cap speed which means you can only shoot the gun so fast. yes it is to prevent modded controllers. but before i got a mod i used my finger and still got the mod glitch. Also that wasnt created by microsoft it was a treyarch thing. because if it was created by microsoft im sure mw2 would of had it.


Active Member
jmwisc said:
okay thanks but u guys need to settle down i searched and couldnt find anything its not like the world is gonna end just cause i have a question someone else had

Well for once TheJld is correct...... You did not spend the time looking around the forums at all about this topic. I just found this thread viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1033
and it only took me about 3 min....

modded matt said:
you are right Jmwisc, you dont deserve to be yelled at, on behalf of this site I appologize for thejld's out burst. he is a young kid who dont know anything about modding and has no right yelling at you in such a way.

Double MM I totally agree with you on this one.... You must have been getting so sick and tired of the, (how do I put this is a nice term since everyone on here thinks I'm either a d-i-c-k or I talk down to people) Kindergartner electronics questions TheJld was asking you!!!!! hahahaha......

modded matt said:
the real answer is yes. technically you can be banned for using a modded controller because it is against the microsoft terms of use, and yes they can detect and prove you are using a modded controller, if you dont believe that, play WAW with an old school mod and see what happens.

now. that being said. I have been modding xbox controllers and xboxes since they first came around and I have never seen nor heard of anyone ever getting banned for a mod.

Yeah but Double MM you can get capped in W@W even without using a modded controller. I really think the true answer is not you can not get banned for having an Modded controller. I'm only saying this because I got some inside sources!!!!! I know that sounded hella corny......

Now here is a question for E if he gets this great if not oh well..... CAN WE PLEASE REMOVE THIS WORD SENSOR? This is all thanks to that damn TarHeels kid, (and me too because I was pushing his buttons to make him explode) but all we need to do is add one of those giant Parental Advisory Graphics somewhere on the front page of the forums......

modded matt

Active Member
I love how peole make these bold statments, "you cant get banned duhh" like you have a clue. I have already said this, but I will say it again.

Microsoft CAN ban you opening and altering the controller is against terms of use. they CAN ban you. obviously they can ditect that you are using a RF controller, there are tests that can be done to tell if you are using a RF controller as demonstrated by trearch in WAW. ( I would expect another cap in the new COD) Microsoft has chosen not to prosue this. which is the only reason people are not banned for using RF controllers.

IF you alter any microsoft component in any way they can ban you. technically they can ban you for changing the leds. if they will or not is a different story. dont wory though nobody I know has been banned for RF controllers to my knowledge.

end of story:


There is no way they can tell you changed the LED's is there? And for the software tests, how can they prove you don't have a third party controller instead of a modded microsoft one?

modded matt

Active Member
regardless, you are missing the point which is YES they can ban you, you are violating the terms of use. but they have to catch you...yea, sure rob that bank, they can put you in jail, but they have to catch you. (drastic but same logic)

no they could not tell you have changed the leds. but if you had a picture of it or showed it to them, they COULD ban you.

as for software tests, show me one product that has a rapid fire trigger. (something not modded and licesed for use on the xbox) I will send you $20 paypal... but you will not find one. microsoft has allowed niko and like manufacturers to produce RF controllers, but if you look closely, they are only rf on the face buttons.


PS3andCOD said: It says "8 button rapid fire" and one of the reveiws says they use it with MW2. I've also seen video's of the PS3 version on COD games. ehh?
are u a POME


I'm Canadian, I just happened upon that particular one as I was looking for this other one I'd seen that was UK only.