Quick question about duo install


New Member
Where does GR GL and Gu go? Also I installed a new Legacy chip into a v1 matrix board are they compatible with them because im having problems with it.
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ModdingBros Representative
ok thanks but where does GL GR and Gu go?
havent u downloaded the diy instructions for your build? Its all in their in detail instructions and photos. The connections u speak of are the not used in the duo install. All u need to wire is the D+ D- and make sure to cut the trace wire to the D- connection. This is for the PNC method. If u downloaded the duo instillation sheet follow it exactly and your install should work fine. The cg1 and cg2 are bolth co.patible with the duo install. Id like to add in my experence the legacy installs i actually find it to be tbe hardest installs of all the viking chips. If u are having issues u need to download the button test for the duo. U can find the thread in the same place as the instillation guide. Good luck on your install hope it works out for u.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Where does GR GL and Gu go? Also I installed a new Legacy chip into a v1 matrix board are they compatible with them because im having problems with it.

GR stands for "ground pad for right tac switch"
GL stands for "ground pad for left tac switch"
GU stands for "ground for USB port"

Basically they are just extra pads connected to ground.

I think the legacy chip only works in a matrix1 if you install it as a Tyr's Hand.