Quick Question for Call of Duty 4

I hope this hasn't been asked in the past, but being a new owner I have a question. Are all the macros for Black Ops good for Call of Duty 4? It seems to me that an M-16 is an M-16, no matter what the game. But, with all this techno stuff, it probable depends on the platform and engine. My friends want to play this game tonight instead of Black Ops and I checked out some of the macros. Doesn't seem like there are alot of them for this game. Will I have trouble if I do a load out for Black Ops and use it in Call of Duty 4? Any help for a Shlub would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Certain macros do work. Jitter works on all games so far, same with standard drop-shots. They can differ though, it depends! Test them out and let us know what works.
Tfhanks alot NYjetNY1. I set up a macro set using both COD4 and Black Ops macros. I'm playing tonight, so I'll post tomorrow to let you know.
Well, made up the macro set and did fairly well. With some of the macro I couldn't tell the difference between COD4 and Black Ops. Then, just when I thought things were going well, I entered several TDM rooms where someone had a modded XBOX. In one room you hit the jump button and flew into the sky. I think I'll be going back to MW2 and see how those macros work.