Ragnarok questions


Hello everyone, after suffering through the multiplayer on the last few COD's I have decided to try to even the playing field.( I don't think my k/d ratio ever got above 0.35 in any COD title.) I am 52 years of age, and for those of you who aren't, my reaction time is a lot slower than everyone else. I consider it a good game if I don't finish in last place! But I love to play MP, it's exciting and the most fun I've had with my 360. I have been reading the messages here and watching the videos to get a grasp of how the modded controllers work. I am awaiting my Ragnarok controller for use with BLOPS2 and maybe MW3; it should be here next week. I would like to be able to prestige at least once before I die.....

I was wondering if the controller will arrive ready to go or will I need to update drivers, set up modes, speeds etc. At my age, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to things like this.



ModdingBros Representative
That is a real good question but i unfortunately could not answer this for u. They are usually good about updating the latest firmware before they ship their controllers out. I'd say it depends when you ordered it. I know the latest firmware v1.5 was released not to long ago and if you order your controller after that new firmware then they probley pre programmed it in for u. Also if u got the usb re programmable ragnarok then u can download the latest firmware to it off your computer. My suggestion to u would be sending a private message or posting a message to Odin 'the head of administration". Just state the controller u orderd, when you orderd it and if it will have the latest v1.05 firmware pre installed to it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Snuffy, as of today we started shipping Ragnarok that include the v1.5 driver update. So if your unit literally shipped today, it has v1.5. If it shipped yesterday or before you might need to upgrade. The first time you plug in and open the software it'll show what driver version it has.

For my own personal gameplay, I only use:

Medium X,Y,Y Jitter with the M780 (did I spell that wrong) shotgun. I have a youtube video showing this one in action. It helps with maps where you end up in short to medium range combat, I don't need to be able to aim very well to get a kill.

Akimbo with dual-wielding semi-auto pistols. I use this for bum-rushing people up close. I'm not good at knifing. So instead of trying to knife enemies that didn't see me, I run up and use the akimbo semi-auto pistols (with akimbo rapidfire on of course) to run up and unload two clips in their face. This way even if the game lags out on me I still get the kill because I just unloaded two clips on the guy. Again aim only has to be so-so since you just need half the bullets to spray and hit the guy.

Lastly, and unfortunately this does take good hand/eye, I like to use traditional rapidfire with the FAL semi-auto rifle for medium to long-range gun battles. This is probably not for you.

I would work in some of our short and medium range mods like jitter+shotgun or akimbo rapidfire+dual pistols and find a way to be a short-range cleanup guy for your team. Maybe lag behind them and cover their rear, while taking cover/hiding. Sooner or later a badguy will try to bum rush your team and you can come out of hiding and take him down with a hail of bullets or shotgun shells.


Got it yesterday, been trying it out on the bots learning how the thing works. I appreciate your quality work, the button and jack are installed very well. I went ahead and updated the firmware right out of the box first thing.

I have a question on the button layout modes. I always use tactical so I changed it per instructions. Will that layout always remain tactical until I change it again, or do power downs, battery pack removal, or modchip reboots change the layout back to #1?



I have yet more questions, I have not found the answer on this forum, I apologize if it has already been answered. Is there a way to return back to a certain mode w/o having to cycle through the entire list? I was trying out RF mode # 4 and wanted to return to RF mode # 2. I had to go through the other 8 modes to get back to it.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Got it yesterday, been trying it out on the bots learning how the thing works. I appreciate your quality work, the button and jack are installed very well. I went ahead and updated the firmware right out of the box first thing.

I have a question on the button layout modes. I always use tactical so I changed it per instructions. Will that layout always remain tactical until I change it again, or do power downs, battery pack removal, or modchip reboots change the layout back to #1?


It should remember the layout when you power down. (if it does not remember, let me know, could be a bug in our software)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have yet more questions, I have not found the answer on this forum, I apologize if it has already been answered. Is there a way to return back to a certain mode w/o having to cycle through the entire list? I was trying out RF mode # 4 and wanted to return to RF mode # 2. I had to go through the other 8 modes to get back to it.

Nope, you can only cycle "forwards". There is a forum post in here somewhere requesting the ability to cycle "backwards" as well. I'm wondering about an alternative gimmick where maybe we can allow the user to limit the number of rapidfire modes to 2, instead of 10. Then at least they could easily cycle between two speeds.