Ragnarok vs Macro


New Member
Hello have a few question before i order,Is there a big difference between the Macro and the Ragnarok .
I know the macro is 399.99 how much for the Ragnarok controller cant seem to find it for xbox 360.

Also if i order today can i have it by friday or before ?


ModdingBros Leader
The macro is limitless as the ragnarok is limited by the driver updates. You can update the macro whenever you want to. I am personally a macro person however some people favor the ragnarok.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The Ragnarok has a learning curve, but all the mods are basically "pre-canned" and include good documentation. You can be up and running with your Ragnarok in about 10 minutes after watching the basic tutorial videos.

The macro controller has a steeper learning curve. Owning a macro controller means spending time learning the software and building your own macro sets. So you'll have to have a better understanding of the actual glitches in these games to be able to build your own macros. You could spend a couple hours or a couple of days setting up your macro controller for your first match. But, the macro controller is basically future compatible with anything on the planet because (and no please don't worry it's not going to actually happen) if Viking went out of business it wouldn't matter because you've got the macro software to build your own macro sets.

It may seem contrary, but if you buy the macro you will be doing more work yourself. If you buy the Ragnarok it's ready out of the box. Ragnarok is tooled for Call of Duty, Macro controller can do anything but requires you to build the set up files. There are some macro sets in the macro library but again there is a learning curve to each macro set to figure out what the set does and how to best use it.


New Member
Thanks guys, just ordered the Ragnarok controller because i do not have time or skills lol to work on a macro.

I wanted something simple .


New Member
You wont be dissapointed with your ragnarok. Got mine sunday and started owning with it right out of the box. You can get an escort airdrop in no time! If you are going to use the quickscope mod i suggest you use about a 100-75 delay time if you are using quickdraw. You will apsalutely love it. It's the most easy to use but best modded controller on the market. I cant even thank viking enough for this awesome controller. I spent weeks finding the best company to buy from and i think i have found it.


ModdingBros Leader
Viking actually gets tons of service after people are not satisfied with their evil controller.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
Don't worry, I have the Ragnarok for the 360 as well. It's the first modded controller I've ever had and was able to easily figure out how to use it and I absolutely love it. I can use it in just about every game I play. It's fully customizable and can be programmed to work with any gun you want, and has tons of modes to choose from as well as tons of different slots to program custom settings for different weapons for easy access.


New Member
After having the xMod Electronics modded controller after 3 years i finally order the ragnarok controller 2 days ago ... I wanted to get the macro but to much money plus like other people posted you have to build your own stuff ... since i dont have time to mess around with the custom settings ...


I have only recently gotten into modded controllers. I chose the Ragnarok because I was concerned that the new Xbox 720 (or whatever it's called) that is soon to be released, would not be compatible with the current controllers offered by Viking, and the Macro controller was too much to spend on a dying console. When the Viking Macro controller is guaranteed to be compatible with the new Xbox console, I will order one.
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