Random ROF (rate of fire) in COD5


New Member
Is there a way to program the controller to have a random rate of fire(ROF)?

It seems that if you generate a random delay from (8 shots a sec to 20 shots a sec) between shots it should be harder to detect.

Any possability in this??

Delta Echo


New Member
I know there is an undetectable mod. I am asking for this feature in the code. This should also work for any future patches IW implements..

Delta Echo


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Actually it's already random right now. I thought perhaps random would help us get up to 12 SPS or higher, but it did not unfortunately :-(.

I've got one other minor 'secret' gimmick programmed into the fire rate of the COD5 code to try to make it future undetectable but only time will tell. This game of cat n' mouse will go on for awhile now. So the best we can do is wait, see what the game companies come out with, and get out patch fixes for our USB controller as fast as we can.

I don't think the random fire will help with future detections anyway, they seem to be measuring average SPS over time.

Thanks for stopping by the forums and keep the good ideas coming!