Rapid fire akimbo pistol patched??


New Member
So for my secondary weapon I used to use a p99 akimbo and would set RF at 8.3 for my mk14 and both would work very well switching between the two. When all was well all i had to do was set my RF and i would be good to go, so when i swapped to my akimbo pistols i could hold down both left and right bumper triggers and they would fire in unison at my RF setting. Now I just noticed that RF only works for the right bumper and not the left when switching to my akimbo pistols. I use a default layout and never had an issue before, but could it be patched now? And if I use akimbo mode sure it works, but when I switch to my main weapon I cannot aim down the sights with that akimbo mode selected. this really blows if RF is patched for akimbo pistols. Anybody know for sure?


Well-Known Member
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I haven't heard of RF patch. Things to check:

Did you accidentally set the mod to a different button layout? (hold mod switch + hold triangle key, count blinks. 1 blink is default button layout)
Did the rapidfire speed accidentally get set too high (or wrong mode)? Make sure you're around that 8 sps range.
Are you sure you're in akimbo mode (hold mod switch + tap d-pad right) or dual trigger mode (hold mod switch + tap scope key)?

The way the PS3 controller works, if your left trigger/bumper stopped working, you'd also expect the d-pad or some of the buttons to also stop working. Basically all the buttons are in groups of six, so if one button stops working, five other buttons should also stop working (just worth mentioning in terms of if we're thinking this is a hardware problem. It's not like on some of our older XBOX mods where you can have a wire pop loose from one button. On the PS3 there aren't wires to every button, there's one wire for every 6 buttons, except left and right thumbsticks those each get their own wire)


New Member
I made sure I was in default layout (mod+triangle, one blink). My sps is at 8.3. Ok so here's the thing, yes akimbo fire works if i hold mod+left bumper, but if I swap to my main weapon I can't aim down my sights. I have to then hold mod+dpad down to take it off then hold mod+right bumper for RF on my main weapon. And vise versa.

BUT about 2 weeks ago I was able to just set RF to my main weapon (mod+right bumper) and that was all I needed to do. I could run around akimbo hold down both left and right bumpers and both would shoot RF Then i could swap to my main weapon and it too had RF AND i could aim down the sights no problem. NOW I can't do that. That's why I was wondering if that part was patched, because now I'm forced to take an extra step to accomplish akimbo RF without it affecting the function of my main weapon. I hope that makes sense.


I don't kow about that, that seems strange... I don't remember it working exactly like that ever. Have you tried changing the akimbo modes? There should be one that rapidfires both trigers (R1 and L1) if you hit just the right trigger, and if you hit the left trigger with the right it will ADS without jiggling back and forth.


Well-Known Member
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I think you had fully automatic akimbo wielded weapons but you just didn't realize it.


New Member
Lol! No, swear on my life that's how it worked for me. And no I wasn't using full auto pistols, I was using p99's. Look I got this controller last month and didn't change a thing. All I would do was hold mod+right bumper to activate RF and that was it. I could swap to my akimbo p99's and hold down both left and right bumpers to fire both with RF and when I would swap back to my main weapon it worked flawless letting me aim down the sights and hip firing using RF no problems what so ever. It was AWESOME!

I don't know if you recall, but about 3 days ago PSN was down for "maintenance" and once they came back online, thats when I noticed the difference. Now I don't set RF, but instead I have to set akimbo fire mode 3 mod+dpad left) To get what I'm looking for, but it's not the same. It's all glitchy when I use my main weapon transitioning from hip fire to aiming down the sights and back to hip firing in on continuance RF press.

I'm REALLY bothered by the change it was so smooth and simple. Now it's glitchy and/or cumbersome switching between the modes trying to duplicate the game play as I stated before. I can't be the only one? Either way it would really be nice if someone would look into it and perhaps update akimbo fire so it's not so glitchy with the main weapon. (I got this controller mainly for the mk14 that's all I really use it for so my sps is 8.2-8.6 depending on my connection...fyi)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It's all in your head :) Mod switch + tap right bumper only turns on single-trigger rapidfire.

As far as rocking out with akimbo firing, there are a couple different akimbo modes you could try by holding mod switch + holding d-pad left and counting the blinks.