Rapid Fire/Jitter Mod + Fast Reload Glitch???


New Member
LiOnHeArT24 said:
Nice!!! How do I turn the Fast Glitch mode off (3rd LED) couldn't seem to figure it out???

On the Raven or Hammer? On the raven just tap your tac switch you used to turn it on (the left one usually)
It's for my Hammer that I just got! To turn it on you hold the a button and then press the sync button but I couldn't find how to turn it off in any of the intructions!
Nooo that's to turn on the rapid fire! To turn on the fast reload glitch you hold A+Sync button but I couldn't figure how to turn it off!


New Member
Well, I took a look at it and it seems that you have to cycle through all the modes on the controller. If that's wrong, try opening a support ticket.