RELOAD animation / quick reload macro


New Member
I know it was discussed at the release of mw3 and it was said the fast reload "YY" was taken out. I also noticed you can reload cancel with the sprint and while watching a youtube video (woodysgamertag channel) he talked about the sprint cancel as well as the YY cancel and demonstrated both working. So is there any macros that accomplish this?? I know it would be gun specific~~ or would it be easier to just record the YY macro for the guns i use??


ModdingBros Leader
I was thinking about making a request thread for all the guns that they wanted fast reload but never did it if you want me to I can do that. I was just thinking the sprint method and eventually we could probably get all the guns.


New Member
I was thinking about making a request thread for all the guns that they wanted fast reload but never did it if you want me to I can do that. I was just thinking the sprint method and eventually we could probably get all the guns.
I would LOVE to have fast-reload on the MK14 to go along with your rapid-fire.


New Member
I just ordered the Ragnarok for Xbox and it looks like there are modes to use a semtex but it doesn't have which guns these modes are for. Does anyone know this information or does anyone know what the delay times for any of the guns so I can program the delays?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I just ordered the Ragnarok for Xbox and it looks like there are modes to use a semtex but it doesn't have which guns these modes are for. Does anyone know this information or does anyone know what the delay times for any of the guns so I can program the delays?

(XBOX360 Ragnarok) The only instructions right now are from within the USB software on the VikingDigital support page. If you download and install that software you can open it up and click on some of the question marks and it talks about the various features. I'm still putting the finishing touches on everything tonight, was hoping to work on more instruction pages and tutorial videos tonight but that will have to wait until later this week. I should have more help up by the time controllers arrive at their destinations. Though really the best instruction are those help menus from within the USB software itself. I spent some time writing those out to try to describe what each mod does and how to work them.

Anyway the rb,y method is used on fast reload modes 6-10. The regular y,y method is used on fast reload modes 1-5.