

New Member
Hello. Just recently got my Macro controller and been wondering, has anyone made a macro for Dropshot Mode 2 like the one in the Ragnarok tutorial video? Hipfire=dropshot, ADS=no dropshot.

I checked some of Brians's files but I can't seem to find one that works exactly as demonstrated in the video.

Thanks in advance :)
I was looking for this also, I have a feeling it cannot be done... Just like the Jitter canceler when scoped in. Matt said the controller doesn't have "if" capabilities. Like stoping a macro IF left trigger is pressed.
Hopefuley I may be wrong I am a noob


ModdingBros Representative
Yea it cant be done like that. There are other ways around it. Like jitter u can assign jitter on RT and on the LT u can make jitter aim assist where u make a macro to RF+aim on the left trigger. Just like hipfire dropshot u can make a tac opperated macro to hip dropshot then manually aim in if u felt like or a all in one tac opperated RF+aim+dropshot. I already have these macros made for BO2. Saidly there is no way to make mods cancle each other out through trigger pulls. U just have to get imagitive and work around these drawbacks.


New Member
That's just sad news. :(

Is there an explanation how modded controllers such as the Ragnarok is able to achieve this then? Is it also possible to converte/copy the mods from Ragnarok into a .vks?


ModdingBros Representative
The ragnaroks chip has hard codded information called EPPROM data that performs the mods through the triggers of the ragnarok. U cannot make mods with the ragnarok there already pre programed in. All u can do is change the speed in which the mods play out. The macro software is highly advanced but there are limitations to the software. Its impossible to copy the epprom data of the ragnarok and turn it into a vks or vkm file. The macro software is highly advanced but there are limitations to what it can do. What u guys are asking for isn't that far off of what the macro can do. U want jitter to shut down when aimed in so u can fire a weapon normally. Well the macro can make a toggle on/off tac button to enable or disable jitter or u can make a jitter aim assist on the LT where u make a rapidfire or regular fire macro on the LT. Now if u want to aim and shoot someone u can just pull the LT and u can still use jitter on the RT. If you really think about it this meathod is far supperior to the LT cancler the ragnarok does. Example 2 u want a hip fire dropshot and normal fire when aimed in. U can just make a dropshot all in one on a tac button and normal fire on the RT. Or if u really wanted to perform the funtions through the RT I can make a dropshot rapidfire on the RT and a B button cancler on a tac button. With this i can trick the controller to beliving the B button is constantly being held down so when the B cancler is on the Dropshot portion of the macro assigned to the RT wont work making it a regular RF then u can tap the B button cancler off then the RT will be a rapidfire dropshot. Right there i just minipulated the RT into performing two different funtions like the ragnarok. Im not going to lie i love the ranarok for how it works but the macro has far far far more mod capibilites and can run far more mods at one time than the ragnaroks. U can make mods that no one has ever came up with or mods that the ragnarok can never duplicate. U also have controll over joystick movements and record and playback features where u can re edit your timeline records. U can make super combos on fighting games or perfect golfswings for golf games. So much more than the ragnarok. There are a lot of people like me that will help people out with the wholw learning curve of the macro software. If u were to ask for a specific mod Id more than likley make it for u within the capibilites of the software. If u are just into COD games and just want the easy stuff with little learning curve than u should of bought a ragnarok. Bottom line Macro is far supperior to the ragnarok though the ragnarok simplisity of running mods through the triggers makes it a good contender to the macro.


New Member
Hopefully in the future, there will be an update to the software, so nothing is out of reach for the capability of the Macro controller, guess we'll have to wait and see until the new xbox comes out. if you can still use the Macro on that console...


ModdingBros Representative
Hopefully in the future, there will be an update to the software, so nothing is out of reach for the capability of the Macro controller, guess we'll have to wait and see until the new xbox comes out. if you can still use the Macro on that console...
Yes! this sums it up perfectly.


New Member
Thanks Brian for taking the time to answer my questions. Never expected I'd come across limitations with the Macro software. Anyways, I placed an order for a Ragnarok controller which I plan to only use with CoD. I'm also keeping my Macro for other games or mods that the Ragnarok is incapable of. :)


ModdingBros Representative
Thanks Brian for taking the time to answer my questions. Never expected I'd come across limitations with the Macro software. Anyways, I placed an order for a Ragnarok controller which I plan to only use with CoD. I'm also keeping my Macro for other games or mods that the Ragnarok is incapable of. :)
Good to hear man. U wont be disappointed. There are always software updates when new big titles come out so theres always going to be new mods for the ragnarok. BO2 as far as mods go is pretty standers stuff. The ragnarok can tackle ALMOST everything the macro can do in this game. However there are mods that cant be duplicated like in MW3 the macro has sprint sprint fast reload method and a jitter mod for the KSG shotgun made by MJ23KB24.

MJ is a very very very talented young man and is the leader of the ModdingBros and pretty much taught me everything i know in macro editing. He used to be in the forums all the time and he is always helping anybody out whenever hes in the forums. I hope he comes back sometime soon so u new commers can see just how big of an influence he has in the forums. Hes been around almost from the start and can explain any issuse or problem in the simpilest text or even tutorial videos. Hes very active in school in honers classes and a lot of extra ciricular activites like basketball so hes been so swamped. Because of all this he is taking a long break away from the forums so me and Red Sox have been filling in for him.

RedSox is very talented as well he is the ModdingBros co-leader and has helped MJ23KB24 make so of the most epic macros and are also known for their fastest RF macros. If MJ would of stuck around I guarentee some of the fastest RFs would have been made by him. Although I dont want to rule out APEX NUGZ. That guy makes just golden macros and has skills in making really really fast RF macros. I am more of a quality plus quanity macro maker. My macros are great and I produce them in mass quanitites but if I were to take more time I could make golden macros. But thats not my style. I like to bring mass macros to the community so people have 100s of macros to use, and dont get it wrong they are great macros but lacking outstanding quality in the RF department. Though I could brag that Im the only one to make all in one Tac RF+aim+dropshot macros. anyway way off subject but had to throw out props to the top macro makers out there. Theres plenty more talented macro makers like superanio that share there macros from time to time but tend to make macros for themselves! IF u look at the FAL RF I have posted in my forums it actually made by superaino. I just edited hes speed multiplier by .01. Its all his RF if u read the description box and author box u will see his name first. Just wanted everyone to know this.