reset factory


New Member
is there anway to reset the ragnarok to the default settings? Like as if we had just opened out of the box again lol. Erase all the programmable speed settings we had made and just start back from scratch lol? just curious Thanks


New Member
thanks, one more question please. If you have non-usb which is mine since im not testing and its not released right? Lol but anyways since im non-usb if you program a rapid fire speed setting does it program the speed into which of the slots? 7-10 are free un-programed available slots correct? Does it program the speed u just set into the next available or does it program it into the current rapid fire mode slot that ur controller is currently on. example: im playing with rapid fire on and im on mode 6 and i decide to program a speed setting for my rapid fire does it override the current speed setting for mode 6?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
When you enter into speed programming, it will program the speed for whichever rapidfire mode you were on last. So for example when you power up the controller for the first time it's on rapidfire mode 1 (whether or not you have rapidfire enabled). If you hold down the mod switch and hold down the fire weapon button, Player 4 LED will blink as you move to mode 2... mode 3... etc. So whichever mode you were in last, is the mode you will be programming the speed for, if you choose to program in a custom speed.

I'm thinking like the higher modes like 7, 8, 9 and 10 would be good to play around with for custom speed programming since I'm thinking those aren't really already set up for any game in particular.


New Member
ya i was thinking that it worked like that, and im ******ed enough to actually screw up and program my custom speed into the mode 1 which is already setup for black ops but didnt mean 2, lol dang it was hoping there was a way to reset.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hmm I will consider that our first new feature request lol :). Here are the default speeds. You can't automatically reset them all, but you could manual reprogram them back to their defaults if you need to:

Factory Default Rapidfire Speeds:
Mode 1 - 7.2
Mode 2 - 8.2
Mode 3 - 43.4
Mode 4 - 6.9
Mode 5 - 9.3
Mode 6 - 23.3
Mode 7 - 8.0
Mode 8 - 9.0
Mode 9 - 10.0
Mode 10 - 11.0

Factory Default FastReload Speeds:
Mode 1 - 33
Mode 2 - 34
Mode 3 - 36
Mode 4 - 42
Mode 5 - 53
Mode 6 - 54
Mode 7 - 56
Mode 8 - 63
Mode 9 - 213
Mode 10 - 214


New Member
hehe thanks again bud, i love this company omg,. i think i will go ahead and donate now especially after this just makes me feel better about you guys. thanks again.

And on the controller the fast blink means the speed setting is currently 0 right? and its possible to set it to 072 right? lol just making sure about to try that now thanks for posting these.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Correct, a quick blink means that the digit is a "0". So you are correct, if you want to set the fast reload to a setting of 72, really you are setting it to 072. Since the "hundreds" place is 0.


New Member
lol oh btw i had messed up mode 1 rapid fire lol i made it 172 which is why it kept messing up when i tried using in game LOL but now i changed it back to default so thanks hehe
So is the USB programmable ragnorak available yet or still in testing? Noticed it was being talked about thought I'd ask.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Testing :) We sent two freebies out and sold a few on E-Bay. Just waiting for some initial customer feedback (and any bugs). It seems like no matter how hard I test this stuff in house, customers will find bugs (well, or at least quirks, maybe not bugs) in the product. If it's a bug, I gotta fix it, if it's a quirk, then I gotta update tutorial videos and instructions to explain it.


New Member
i think ur this is some of the best stuff i have ever used just the ps3 rag u can buy now is awesome as hell, wished i had known long ago/


New Member
Ok. How can I know if my control is a USB version or is a non-USB version. Because a download the program but the program doesn't recognize me my control I reset manual the mod 1 for Black Ops. But still is slow at the rapid fire using the F14 or M16. Can you help me in this because when I test the control the first time it was fast, now whe I change the speed with the manual (how to increase the speed shooter and the reloads) is more slow. So please help me or put some more tutorial in you tube. Thanks.


Active Member
Good question. Hopefully odingalt can shed some light on the differences between the USB and the Non-USB versions.


New Member
If you are asking haw to tell wether or not your ragnarok is a USB version or not then, the USB version has a 3.5mm plug on the bottom of it, on the opposite side from the button


Well-Known Member
Staff member
USB version would have a 3.5mm hole on the bottom, and you would have received a 3.5mm-to-USB cable to program it.