Right Trigger Knifing?


New Member
Is it possible to set the knife to the Right Trigger using the tactical controller layout? I'm a glutton and occasionally run around with nothing but the knife and generally fail at mashing the RS with my thumb without turning in a circle and stabbing at the air...


ModdingBros Representative
I think it might be possible but in limited circumstances. Assigning a macro say over the RT will still not override the RT from carrying out its primary function to fire the weapon but i can see this being possible if say u didn't have a secondary class and u used the games natural knife it assign's u in that instance. With no weapon that can be fired u could assign a looping B button to the right trigger that would essentially perform a repetitive knife if the RT was held down or a knife swing if the RT was taped. Then u could assign a tac to toggle it on/off when u dont want to use it. Its when u have a weapon if u tried to assign this looping B button to the RT It would still fire your weapon then it will knife some time after the weapon was fired. Let me know if u use the tactical secondary knife and i could make this RT knife for u but Im almost 100% positive it wont work right if u want to use your knife with your primary weapon out.


New Member
I would only use it if I took no weapons with me and just the knife + extra perks. No weapon to worry about trying to use it with.


ModdingBros Representative
Ok yea ill make u a RT knife and u can always assign a tac to toggle it on/off in case u feel like picking up a weapon. Give me like 5 min and ill have it ready to go for u. If you guys like this let me know and ill add it to my library of mods where u can get all my mods in one place.


ModdingBros Representative
Here u go man. Also made a default mode as well. U can use these on the RT or on a tac button. I tested it in local match so if it dont work online let me know right away!


  • 2ndary repeditive knifing[default].vkm
    528 bytes · Views: 4
  • 2ndary repeditive knifing[tactical].vkm
    528 bytes · Views: 5


New Member
Seems to work great. I played around yesterday and didn't have it on and knifed with the trigger - might not even need a macro. :confused:


ModdingBros Co-Leader
When all you have is the knife as a class RT knifes anyway? At least for me it does


New Member
I'd bet a lot of people don't know that. I'd prefer to keep it that way ;) Thanks for the work on the macro - I'm sure it will have use elsewhere :)