RROD e74


Useful Poster
Hey Im new to the forums and just ordered a controller from fredrow. but i got a single red ring (e74) on one of my xbox's. Anyone know any places that fix e74. im looking to get the e74 fixed, an aftermarket fan, and maybe an aftermarket heatsink if they make them.


Useful Poster
Yeah i was looking at those posts but i didnt really feel safe doing those myself. Ill probably just buy a new box and try to fix my pro myself.

And i was looking at how to do the towel trick. is this good or bad?


New Member
The towel trick is not good for you console.....At the very least it needs to be heatgun reflowed or taken to a shop that has a proper IR rework station. Check your local craigslist.


New Member
Dude the exact same thing happened to me. Maybe fredrow gives his customers e74 as thanks :) just kidding fredrow.
And by the way. How long have u had ur xbox? If its less than 3 years then its under warrenty still. Microsoft added e74 to the extended 3 year warrenty


Useful Poster
Lol but no i think my xbox is more than 3 years old but ill shoot microsoft an email. and if not it looks like craigslist is a pretty good idea i see a few shops there i could drop it off at. thanks for your guys help


New Member
No worries, hope you get it sorted. I just got M$ to take back a standard console 1 year out of warranty by telling them my power brick arc'd and smoked and killed my xbox LOL


Useful Poster
haha. im still waiting for ms to email me back but a bunch of people on craigslist put the motherbords in an oven. is this just the same concept as the heat gun warm the solder so it sits right?


New Member
Krier023 said:
haha. im still waiting for ms to email me back but a bunch of people on craigslist put the motherbords in an oven. is this just the same concept as the heat gun warm the solder so it sits right?

Well they are using the oven as a reflow station.....I have not tried this yet so I can't say how effective or safe it is.....I have seen the tutorial on youtube for doing it. If you are going to pay someone I would suggest finding a shop with a rework station. Yes its the same concept, trying to get the solder balls to reheat and reseat.


Useful Poster
My bad i misread the warranty information. it said my one year standard was up, but i still have the 3 year extended for red rings and e74. Thanks for helping me sort things out.


Useful Poster
Alright i sent my xbox into microsoft for free and microsoft will probably give me a newer console that wont overheat easy but any suggestions to not get the rrod again? like outer fans etc.


New Member
For anyone, if you have a warrenty send it back to microsoft. they send back a new one and a one-month. and for helping it not overheat, dont leave it on while you arnt playing and buy a cooling fan. Some of them are useless and cheap so make sure you buy a quality product. I already voided my warrenty so i modded then fans in my xbox and made them 12V so my xbox keerps soo much cooler then before.


Useful Poster
Yeah i was looking into the outer cooling fans but on some of the reviews it said the fans were taking up more power than the fan was cooling down, so the guy said the fan was making the xbox overheat. Is this true or do you think the guy just got a faulty fan?


Useful Poster
So do you have any brands for suggestion. because i see a bunch of brands that make fans. Should i go witha name brand like nyko?


New Member
Krier023 said:
So do you have any brands for suggestion. because i see a bunch of brands that make fans. Should i go witha name brand like nyko?

those aftermarket fans are not good for your xbox, at least thats what I heard. Hopefully you get a jasper console back so you don't have to worry about rrod anymore.

Xx Binno xX

New Member
Two things to learn from Microsoft they suck at customer service and you wont get a new console. sent in my xbox in with the HDMI port and they gave me one with out i called them to bitch and they said they gave me one they year that my console made so you wont get a new one sorry buddy, idk why i got one with out HDIM. I was pissed i just sent $500 on a 1080p t.v. oh yeah and the that heating fan for the xbox don't by the nyko because it will melt your xbox of what i herd


New Member
LOL. that sucks.
I sent in my first xbox last year because of RRoD and i got one back 2 weeks later only to find out that it didnt work either. So i went a month waiting for a new xbox :)


Useful Poster
got my xbox back today(less than two weeks from when i sent it.) I was so surprised it got back so fast. Also they didnt send me my own back they sent me either a refurb or new one. I got a xenon back i think so probably will overheat again, so does anyone know any outer fans or good cooling systems i can put on without opening the xbox?