

Useful Poster
Just wondering what you guys think about the bills being attempted to pass. T hey are all over the internet today since several websites intentionally"blacked out" to show their dislikes to it. These weren't small sites either. Wikipedia completely blacked out, and Google censored parte of their website. On my opinion, actions like this from the government are just to take away our rights slowly and slowly become a socialistic government that controls everything we do. Government should not have control over freedom of speech (websites) should not have the ability to down a website just because. Piracy is bad, but it's the principal of it. Taking way this is like tradingaway our freedom of speech. What are your guys opinions on it?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It's difficult for me to understand why US companies have such a hard time pursuing those who harbor pirated content? If there is a problem with the international policing force and our international copyright treaties, then let's work with our diplomats and the diplomats of other countries to tighten it up. SOPA should be a last-ditch effor if our piracy levels reach that of say, China. Nobody is presenting hard numbers about piracy except the number "billions" is thrown around a lot with no backup studies. SOPA busts right through the fact finding stages, jumps over the brainstorming session to come up with alternatives to solve the problem, and goes straight to t-boning the American people. Woot!

modded matt

Active Member
It has nothing to do with piracy, this is a fool hearted attempt of censorship. The piracy deal is a cover up.


ModdingBros Leader
I agree with matt it is so stupid that they are trying to say they are going to stop piracy with a bill as crazy as SOPA. The U.S. is a free country they shouldnt even be thinking about this.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
The U.S. and our government are slowly turning into a communism, it's dumb as hell. If I wanted to be a communist I'd be living in China or something right now. This is America, this stupid act/bill is only going to give the already corrupt government even more power over the people and our rights. WE DON'T WANT OR NEED A FREAKING COMMUNISM! I hate our government and every political official in our government, bunch of corrupt idiots that don't know how to run this country at all. I think that if the country continues to spiral downward the way it has, there's going to be a revolt and a revolution. People are not going to want to put up with all this crap anymore.

Viva en Grey

New Member
The U.S. and our government are slowly turning into a communism, it's dumb as hell. If I wanted to be a communist I'd be living in China or something right now. This is America, this stupid act/bill is only going to give the already corrupt government even more power over the people and our rights. WE DON'T WANT OR NEED A FREAKING COMMUNISM! I hate our government and every political official in our government, bunch of corrupt idiots that don't know how to run this country at all. I think that if the country continues to spiral downward the way it has, there's going to be a revolt and a revolution. People are not going to want to put up with all this crap anymore.
You do not understand the basic precepts of Social Democracy :L (Communism).

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
I'm just saying it's becoming like that. I have a strong opinion about government and politics which is why I try to stay away from it all, but if this goes through it's going to do nothing but cause serious problems.


Useful Poster
I agree with matt too. I believe their initial intentions were to stop piracy, but instantly after their initial intentions, they thought a way to further control, and regulate internet posts, websites, and products.

If we try so hard to force democratic ideas onto other countries and groups that we go to war and become trillion dollars in debt because we tried to force democracy, then why are we even considering taking the basic rights of freedom of speech away from the citizens of the US?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm just saying it's becoming like that. I have a strong opinion about government and politics which is why I try to stay away from it all, but if this goes through it's going to do nothing but cause serious problems.

I have some bad news for you. We're already there bro. Our gov't spending in terms of total GDP is 42%. Socialist countries like Canada and UK vary from 44-48% GDP. Our health care bill that Obama passed has guaranteed that gov't spending in terms of GDP will equal or even PASS that of socialist countries like Canada and the UK.

So, people, if you are worried that we are slowly becoming socialist... you must think it's still around the year 1964. It happened already. A long time ago. Before I was born actually (1980).

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
I have some bad news for you. We're already there bro. Our gov't spending in terms of total GDP is 42%. Socialist countries like Canada and UK vary from 44-48% GDP. Our health care bill that Obama passed has guaranteed that gov't spending in terms of GDP will equal or even PASS that of socialist countries like Canada and the UK.

So, people, if you are worried that we are slowly becoming socialist... you must think it's still around the year 1964. It happened already. A long time ago. Before I was born actually (1980).

D*mn, sucks big time....


Being "socialist" is not a bad thing, the healthcare in Canada is great. I have never had a problem with my healthcare ever, and I never have to pay any of it between work benefits and the government. That being said, pure communism is not a good thing...

I very much dislike this SOPA idea, the DMCA is bad enough. Matt is right, it's all about censoring whatever they want and is being covered by piracy. Copyrights should be reformed to be shorter, not longer anyways. Look at say movies for example. They make something liek 90% of their money from theaters, which cannot be pirated. Therefore it should be illegal to fileshare movies still in the theater, and legal to share movies available on DVD. there will always be people buying DVDs and Blurays for the quality of a properly finished product, that is what they need to provide in order to beat out the free downloads.