Well, for example when i'm working in the screen that has the giant controller on it. Say i download a macro set to my computer (.vks) and i open it up in the editor. When i hover over individual macros of a given set and click the save button on the wheel that pops up, nothing happens. However, i found out that if i open the macro up in the editor and then use the big save button in the top right, i can save the individual macro as a .vkm
i may be missing something, but i just thought i would submit it as a bug, in case things are not working correctly. Better safe than sorry i guess.
On a different note, I'm having huge troubles with the joysticks when creating .vkm files. I'm trying to create an anti recoil macro for the m14. Basically, what i did was take the rapidfire macro and add a downward motion of the right thumbstick to it. I assign it the right trigger and then have a toggle on/off button on one of the tact switches. The problem is that as soon as i hit the right trigger, i lose pretty much 75% of the control of the right thumbstick. Turning is near impossible once i hit the trigger. Now i expect turning to be a little difficult while I'm shooting due to the way the controller works, but when i let go of the trigger, turning is still extremely choppy. I can move up and down my sights fine, but left and right are the problem. I have made sure that i am not pressing anything and that the macro is toggled off, and yet the joystick is still affected. I'm not sure how to fix this, but It seems like the joystick movement is in an infinite loop as soon as the trigger is pressed, while everything else behaves normal.
I attatched the file i created, I'm not sure what's all going on, but if anybody has any answer/ideas i would be more than happy