saving macros from oher sets!?


New Member
hey im new to all this and i am looking at people sets of macros and was wondering if you could extract and save individual macros from the sets so i could use i later? thank you

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
I haven't tried it but I'm pretty sure all you have to do put your mouse on the macro that you want to save that is applied to the whatever button, and when the actions circle comes up just click the edit macro button, then it should open the macro in the timeline editor, and you just click the save button in the upper right corner.


ModdingBros Leader
I haven't used the software in a while, I didn't know there was a save button on the wheel that comes up lmao. Do that instead HKArmy, it's easier.

No what I meant was that the button on the actual wheel doesnt even work lol. You have to use your method.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
Oh ok lol, didn't know that lol thanks. I haven't ever saved a macro from someone else's set but I just figured that'd be the easiest way to do it and then you could edit it to your liking as well before you save it.


ModdingBros Leader
Yeah I find it quite hard and an inconvenience at times. It took me a while to figure that out though.