shot guns and sub machine guns


New Member
I have been playing with my new controller for about 2 days and I am very happy with it. A couple questions that I have. Does the rapid fire work with sub machine guns as far as letting them shoot faster. PP90M1 for example. Also what about using it for the AA-12 or striker shotgun. AA-12 is single fire.


Rapidfire is little to no use on an SMG, but it works not bad on the striker in my experience. Is the SPAS 12 not pump action in this game? I thought it was semi in BO and hen pump again in MW3... if it is pump it would let you shoot as soon as the pump ends without letting off the trigger, but not really any faster than you could do manually.


New Member
So I think I get the concept of the rapid fire pushing the button an fast as possible. If there's animation in the game like the pump action u r still going to have to wait for that


New Member
rapid fire + SMG = slower rate of fire, not faster, but it increases your accuracy, and the spaz 12 you have to have the timing down, but ill bet if you have the programmable you could get a setting down that works for it


So I think I get the concept of the rapid fire pushing the button an fast as possible. If there's animation in the game like the pump action u r still going to have to wait for that

That's exactly right. In older COD games you can use jitter to cancel the animations, but they patched that in MW3.