Snow/Ice in North Texas


I gotta tell you all that I think it is completely hilarious that when Texas gets a measly 1/2" of ice and snow the whole state shuts down. People here cannot drive in snow, I saw so many people get stuck in the middle of the road and just sit there because they just don't know what to do.

Maybe I am a bit biased because I was raised in Wisconsin where that is a common occurrence for six months out of the year but good grief. My kids are not complaining, they get the day off of school. Man, I wished for the day when I was growing up that a 1/2" would call of school. Lol


ModdingBros Representative
Yea im in oregon and we just had a snow storm got around 4 in of snow. On my drive to work seen a jack knifed semi 30+ cars in a ditch and a women smashing into a freeway concrete barricade at 50+ miles an hour. Its crazy out here right now!


Well, now all that rain and snow has turned to solid ice. The roads have become skating rinks and people are still trying to driven like they normally would, this is leading into a lot of accidents and blocked roads. My point is this, if it's not an emergency stay off the roads, its not like your going to miss that taco or hamburger if you wait a couple of days. The other part that is frustrating most of this could have been avoided if the city actually put out salt or sand, heck one swipe with a snow plow and it would not be this bad. So with all of this ice it seems that mother nature is the only fix, sadly that means Wednesday with temps in the high 30's will be the only cure...